All these knee-jerk leaders with their quasi-quarantine mandates never if ever think through the- unintended consequences.
Domestic violence survivors are especially at risk right now, wrote executive director of SafeHouse Center, Barbara Niess-May, in a statement released this week.
SafeHouse Center is Washtenaw County’s women and children’s shelter and provides support to domestic violence and sexual assault survivors.
“With external factors of mass closures, record numbers of people not working or working from home and the tension of the unknown, stress can build and lead to increased incidences of domestic violence,” wrote Niess-May.
“In our work with survivors, it has been our experience that assailants use social isolation to gain greater control over the survivor. It often begins in subtle ways, but grows over time which minimizes any help a survivor can access and can have significant physical and mental health impacts. Examples of social isolation include alienation from family and friends, endanger employment, turn children against the survivor, and eliminating their role in household decision making.”
Naturally, gov. nitWhitmer extends previous closures to mid April, and Oakland County’s fruitcake orders all malls and playgrounds closed.
Ps. it is never wise to take a crowbar to a Kung-flu gunfight.