Tag Archive for Tyrant

The Fly

The end of a bad run only two years away?

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment.

From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing.

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China Taps Governor Gretchen Whitmer To Lead Lockdown Enforcement

Looking good in gray.

The ‘Bee’ nails it.

“BEIJING — This week, dozens of Chinese citizens died after the Chinese Communist Party welded their apartment doors shut and a fire broke out in the building, sparking protests. China has doubled down on its “Zero COVID” policy, however, and has tapped Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer to lead its COVID lockdown enforcement measures.

“Michigan’s lockdowns were wonderfully effective in slowing the spread of COVID as well as freedom,” said a Chinese Communist Party spokesman in a statement. “Our shared values with Whitmer, who we have affectionately dubbed the ‘Ice Queen’, make her the ideal candidate to lockdown our citizens under brutal totalitarian rule.”

“Frankly, this woman is a pro.” ..”

Read the rest at the Bee: https://babylonbee.com/news/china-taps-governor-gretchen-whitmer-to-lead-lockdown-enforcement

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