More Michigan Media Lies; Not Even Quality Fake News
Ingrid Jacques tells us that the Michigan GOP is “running scared” in an opinion posted yesterday at The Detroit News. “Republicans fear that the end of traditional district drawing by lawmakers is their death knell.” Michigan’s Republican Party leadership shares our dismal view of the baleful effect of Proposal 2 on our future.
Ms. Jacques goes on to quote Secretary of State elect Democrat Jocelyn Benson, who will be in charge of the Proposal 2 redistricting commission:
“I have a deep background in redistricting law and in particular citizen-led redistricting,” Benson told me in an interview last month. “I do believe that it is the most impactful way that you can remove the conflict of interest that currently exists in districting, where people are drawing their own districts and preserving their own power.”
Ms. Jacques concludes her opinion, however, with soothing ‘independent’ reports from Wayne State Law Professor Robert A. Sedler saying there’s no doubt this will benefit Democrats, but that’s just because the contorted districts Republicans have drawn will no longer exist; and Eric W. Lupher of the Citizens Research Council imagining the GOP will keep control of at least one legislative chamber in the coming decade.
Republicans have nothing to fear. It is another tin foil hat conspiracy beloved of Trump supporters.
Feeling some reassurance? You shouldn’t.