As Synder states on record about another one of his transparency indiscretions, “My cousin is involved in an office equipment business that has been doing business with the State for well over a decade, and the contract, the correct contract was done under the prior governor. So there was nothing involved in that”.
Not even a smidgen, Slick Rick? And who served out his Chair of the MEDC under the prior governors? Slick Rick. Who was it that selected the current Chair of the MEDC from the Progressive Utopia of Ann Arborstan? Jennifer MoleRattler …and Slick Rick.
The take away? Always follow the money, and keep a watchful eye on the man from Chicago behind the curtain now rolled into the Lansing fold, protected by Executive office privilege, and with a taxpayer funded $40,000/year raise.
In one of the July e-mails to Baird, George Snyder also thanked Baird for helping his accountant’s daughter get a job with the Michigan Department of Human Services.
Another take away? Being a Constitutional Conservative has absolutely nothing in common with the make up of either Party.