This just warms the cockles of my heart.

INBOX: Michigan House has cancelled Thursday's session. Reps following senators out of town for nearly 3-week recess.
— Chad Livengood (@ChadLivengood) November 10, 2015
Tar, feathers, rail, politicians… some assembly required.
#Detroit Public Schools to pay $350,000 to teen suing Charles Pugh in sexual harassment case via @detroitnews
— Chad Livengood (@ChadLivengood) November 4, 2015
Yet, another way to reach into resident’s pockets without a shred of accountability.
Pettalia (R): ‘We have a monumental opportunity to finally put in place a funding source to fix Michigan roads’ #MILEG
— Jonathan Oosting (@jonathanoosting) November 4, 2015
Yessirree, that is, as chair, one helluva record you got going, Pete.
Well, this is rather embarrassing for the RNC/GOPe, that is, if they had any shame.
"@Politics_Reddit: That feminist who called out Trump last night? She's a Jeb intern." Jeb always gets caught, sad!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 13, 2015
Yep, that’s what Bill endorses but, like all other Cuckservatives, ‘ol Hinky Bill is just doing what those who hold the strings tell them to do.
Here comes your fuel tax and fee hikes.
Both sides, along with Gov. Rick Snyder, generally agree on the need for $1.2 billion a year in additional road funding, but they’ll need 54 votes to get it done. Cotter’s willingness to at least consider $800 million in new revenue likely increases the odds of a deal.
“For me, it’s not just about the proportion — how much is new revenue and how much is general fund — but all the other details that go into making up a package,” Cotter, R-Mt. Pleasant, said Thursday. “I want to see what are the forms of new revenue, where’s it coming from and to what degree, but then also what other pieces of the package exist.”
The governor and legislative leaders from both sides of the aisle have been meeting regularly – twice in each of the past two weeks, according to Snyder — in hopes of reaching an agreement they all can live with.
“The lieutenant governor and I, I think it’s fair to say we both think there’s been a lot of progress in these meetings,” Snyder said last week. “Issues are coming up [indeed], we’re having a healthy discussion and people are trying to be good problem solvers. People are trying to come to a good solution.”
Cotter said he thinks they’re “very close” to a deal, but he also acknowledged he’s said that before.
“I’ve been saying for some time now that I’d like to get this to the floor in October, and I think we’re on a good pace to do that,” he said.
More unaccountable government and thievery HERE
Where’s the “future budget pressures” mentioned within the article?
That’s easy – Snydercaid Expansion. Remember that crap? Yep, those chickens are already coming home to roost.
Slick Rick‘s lips are moving again…
Gov. Snyder says will develop how much Legislature will be asked to help Detroit school debt.
— Gongwer News Service (@GongwerMichigan) September 2, 2015
Only 1,215 days remaining of this detestable, nasally voiced a******.
Tho, I’m rather confident the list of insufferable losers will grow ’cause… #Cuckservatives
#Michigan Republicans endorsing @JebBush: @repdavetrott, @BrooksPatterson, @TerriLLand, ex-Sen. Spence Abraham…
— Chad Livengood (@ChadLivengood) August 19, 2015
On a happier note it is good to see that ¿Yeb? and Barracuda Betsy DeVos’ Common Core© is going over like a lead balloon.
Exit question: it appears Schuette has time to opine here, but not so much as a peep about any of this here, and here. Why is that? “Chief law enforcement,” right?
Never forget, and never take your eyes off the slippery Dick.
We urge Mich Senate to take the next step to fix the roads. Senate plan for roads includes 15-cent boost in gas tax.
— Rich Studley (@rstudley) June 30, 2015
What is it that SOB’s in Lansing, do not understand about no new taxes?
Look, as long as Kirk Steudle is in charge of MDOT, which has the money to waste on stupidity like this, our legislature has not done its job.
Time for part time legislature because, 51.4¢ a gallon on gas, and 55.6¢ a gallon on diesel:
Part time legislature because we are #6:
Well, Boobus Michiganderus in CD-12 who elected her, go ahead, explain to the rest of us what the barking moonbat is trying to convey.
Debbie Dingle on roads "You've got to tell your state legislators to get some balls"
— Christopher Klaver (@cklaver) May 29, 2015
Because both the Senate, and House Transportation Committees sure as hell are not doing their jobs when it comes to roads and boondoggle trains? For that matter, this guy, closely aligned with Steudle, and his *special department* sure makes a habit of stumbling around with his thumb up his ass on trains, roads, and other MI-GOP payola, too.
Bottom line. From how a rational mind reads Debbie’s brassy statement is not much different than what our state legislators are doing now: throwing more money at a problem without cutting the wasteful ineptness and blatant corruption within MDOT.
You see otherwise? Drop a comment below.