Tag Archive for Revenues

Leon’s old Toady sez…

braun_kind_of_a_big_dildoCliff’s Notes version? The same Liberaltarian former Drolet staffer twit, who apparently is all good with the perversion agenda of males using males rectums as a penis masturbatory canal as much as he condemns all those who oppose such chosen behavior, now digs up a radical “former LEO” Puff Ho blogger from Maryland, to marginalize the followers of His Word much like these bastards assert that His Words are that of a wealth redistributing commie.

Pride flags, jokesmoke, and a little doper cop killing is the reasoning for legalization?

Not long after Mayor Schmoke’s announcement, Neill’s close friend, Corporal Ed Toatley, was killed in Washington, DC while making a drug deal as an undercover agent. “When Ed was assassinated in October 2000, that is when I really made the turn. That’s when I decided to make my views public,” Neill explains. He became executive director of LEAP in 2010.


Times change. Meet Baltimore, Maryland’s new Mayor.


Ironic, yes?

You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(3)

Roads And A Different Type Of Letter

A Better Way to Fix Our Roads

Christchurch, New Zealand - March 20 2011: Fitzgerald Avenue Bridge Destruction.It seems that soon, the ‘dodge-em’ game on the way to work is going to turn into bumper cars.

Yeah, the roads are bad. A combination of a harsh winter, diverting funds for an unneeded bridge construct, along with poor planning and oversight from the transportation committee has left the roads in Michigan in the worst shape since forever.

The road building interests are already chomping at the bit, eager to get those lucrative contracts. The public is ready for any relief from the banging, swerving, and white knuckling trips to the store or work.  The stock prices on the strut and tire manufacturers have likely been going through the roof.

Something needs to be done.

The road lobby has loved Governor Snyder’s first suggestion of raising revenue (raise taxes) by a $billion-point-two.  The tax and spend sycophants in the legislature have eagerly lined up for their favor from the guv, and were ready to give him what he wanted. Until the push back by taxpayers.

Republican speaker Jase Bolger, seeing the the gathering of pitchforks by the ‘townsfolk,’ has seemingly cut the ‘revenue increase’ part of the solution in half, but tax increases are still going to be part of the equation. And even the guy who at first touted his efforts in creating the alternative is still afraid to stand on its merits, letting Bolger take all the credit for himself. (listen to this montage – hilarious)

Peter denied Christ only three times; I guess this must be a pretty serious threat to someone’s campaign. (and no, I am not really comparing anyone in Lansing..) 

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(1)