Tag Archive for Rep. Nancy Pelosi

Are they for real?!?

I’ve got to admit, I was more than a little underwhelmed at last night’s speech.

A quick check of what is available on the speech easily corroborates the MSM spin-machine rushing into action to provide cover for their own side.

Obviously video from C-Span nor The White House itself was readily available.

Nothing really new was actually said, and that’s the problem (more on that in a bit).

Pres. Trump reiterated his position, albeit in an un-Trump-like fashion (very measured and scripted).

Team d, who looked more like two p.o.’d parents ready to scold their teenager for coming home after curfew, were just dripping with emotion of how NOT having the American Government performing non-essential functions (which just begs the question of why we are even paying for them in the first place), can be quickly and easily remedied if only Pres. Trump would acquiesce.

Sorry, scooter! Pres. Trump already did that multiple times already via Beavis & Butt-Head (aka Lyin’ Ryan & Squish McConnell).

IMHO, Pres. Trump went about it the wrong way. He used words, when imagery would’ve been far more effective.

Below is a very small sampling of what I mean (just wait for Chuck’s comment in the clip below):

Actions from the “friendly & peaceful migrants” from just last week.

Actions from the “friendly & peaceful migrants” from just last month.

You Betcha! (2)Nuh Uh.(0)