So long, loser!!!
Let the vitriol begin from the Swamp-dwelling RINO/establishment sycophants in 5-4-3-2-…
{And, here we go!!!}

So long, loser!!!
Let the vitriol begin from the Swamp-dwelling RINO/establishment sycophants in 5-4-3-2-…
{And, here we go!!!}
If there was any question relating to the disconnect between the Grassroots and GOP party elites, we are seeing it playing out in real-time right before our eyes.
{Continued below the fold}
Sitting down and catching up on my reading and talking head shows, I’m quickly reminded of the shallowness in today’s society when I’m watching things that clearly aren’t what they appear to be on the surface.
I’ve caught snippets of the “organic” and “student-led” anti-gun protests in DC and Detroit.
Pretty impressive for something that by all accounts was organized by a bunch of high school students.
From the professional stage and media system all the way down to the smallest details like the printed lanyards/backstage passes to the “I call BS.” & “I will vote” pins/stickers, it’s not too shabby.
But, I’ve attended more than a few high school drama productions in my time.
Those kids put plenty of heart and certainly a lot of effort into their sets and performances…but nothing even remotely like I saw on TV. That was light-years beyond the skill sets of those kids…especially when done in the span of about one month!
And then you have the democrats making another go a tipping the elections in their direction. Their ideas aren’t working, their candidates are uninspiring (unless you like getting free things), so they’re changing things up.
Much like the similarly “organic” Voters Not Politicians, their latest attempt is a group called Promote the Vote, which much like VNP, certainly has a lot of democrats behind the scenes pulling the strings.
But that’s just crazy talk, they’ll respond.
This is a legitimate extension of the outrage from the electorate…or some other silly nonsense along those lines.
Silly nonsense now being spewed forth by a certain political party which had lost its way long ago…and apparently never correctly learned the lessons from history.
{More about who they are below the fold}