For getting out into the water already.
Its cold, and even in the river around Belle Isle, a slip into the water might make one want to hit the chicken soup for about a week straight. Secretary of State Ruth Johnson is a pretty tough player however. After visiting two local SOS offices, she continued on in a promotional trip to talk about the benefits of the state of Michigan’s ‘recreation passport’ and ‘Express SOS,’ joining Tiffany VanDeHey, to take the opportunity to kayak in the Detroit River around Belle Isle Park. VanDeHey is owner of Riverside Kayak Connection in Wyandotte, a small business offering kayaking tours in and around the area.
Johnson says “The Recreation Passport is only $11 and is available at our branch offices or online at when renewing your tabs.” Johnson uses these excursions to promote the new efficiencies brought about at the SOS.
Next up is a ride on a Harley-Davidson to promote Motorcycle Safety Month in Farmington Hills on May 1. Johnson will likely buck the recent trend to go capless as many do with Michigan’s mandate off the books, and actually wear a helmet.
What a rebel.
Oh, and the title of this piece? Pun fully intended.
Johnson is an avid kayaker and owns the kayak she used for the trip. The boat is powered by pedals (see what I did there?) or paddles and is also outfitted with a sail. The sail features advertising for and the boat has decals promoting the Pure Michigan license plate, Michigan’s Recreation Passport, organ donation and Johnson’s OPERATION: OUR TROOPS COUNT initiative.