Alas! The corporate cat is finally out of the crony capitalism bag.
“There is a massive transition to digital happening across the country and around the world in education, and schools looking to prepare their students for the world beyond the classroom are empowering their students and teachers by providing devices, services, training and other elements needed for improved student outcomes,” Margo Day, vice president of U.S. education at Microsoft, said in the news release. “At Microsoft, we are proud to be a partner with so many great schools that are leading the way forward for education and in preparing our youth for tomorrow’s workforce.”
If the last part of that Day’s quote sounds familiar, it should. Former Microsoft CEO Bill Gates and other Common Core supporters have used that same language – probably word for word in some instances – to justify the one-size-fits-all learning standards that they’re busy foisting onto schools in more than 40 states.
The official fairy tale – er, “narrative” – of Common Core goes something like this: THE REST
So, what might fit perfectly in Michigan, for that agenda? Oh, perhaps a Slick former CEO of crappy computers with cow patterned boxes who is well versed in the art of government contracts? Hmm, I wonder. Perhaps, a billionaire with stealth agenda glomming onto his longstanding crony Bush family ties to a Board that’s chaired by li’l Jeb, sniffing at a disastrous presidential run so he can share bragging rights at get togethers on the holidays?
Nah. That’s just “Wacko-Bird!” kind of thinking. Then again… res ipsa loquitur.
Good God! Frank Foster is either a functional illiterate or, a liar.