Its the easily missed truisms on display in any article of note, that are Oh-So important.
The Detroit News: “Michigan GOP braces for Tea Party Showdown”
” Calley, who declined to be interviewed for this story, has never publicly opposed the governor on major policy decisions, but routinely says he is “the conservative voice” inside the Snyder administration. “
Consider this single paragraph for a moment.
The governor has Raised taxes on some, went behind the legislature’s back on the NITC, pushed hard for Obamacare in Michigan, pushes Common Core, hired several Democrats to key positions, bails out Detroit, pushes rail subsidies, and will likely sign on the dotted line when the Elliot Larsen Civil Rights act is presented for modification. Modified so that dangerous behavior is blessed not only with the ongoing media push, but with the unforgiving and ‘intolerant’ hammer of law on those who disagree with that behavior.
All of which begs the question: “When does your conservative voice matter Mr Calley?”
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(32)Nuh Uh.