Tag Archive for pet coke

Bejebus! What a Dunce

She was in way over her duplicitous head from the very get go.

But unlike Ernst, Land never had a break-out moment like the “castrating hogs” spot. Her most memorable ad tried to rebut “war on women” attacks by pointing out that she is a woman. For about 11 seconds of the ad, she sat there drinking coffee, looking at her watch, and not saying anything. It was widely panned.

A_deer_in_the_headlights__by_James_The_NoseInstead, Land’s most memorable moment on the campaign trail was in May, when she burst out in a scrum of reporters, “I can’t do this. I talk with my hands,” as they asked her questions. Since then, story after story has portrayed Land as hiding from the media, with national reporters traveling to Michigan to find unannounced campaign events.

Darnoi pointed out Republicans had not been sold on Land’s candidacy since the beginning. Like Ernst, Land was not the top choice: There were early efforts to recruit Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., to run. He passed.

Meanwhile, Ernst exceeded expectations as a candidate, proving one of the best retail politicians this cycle.

Read the entire article HERE

Thanks for playing the CrotchCard™ early, Mrs. Hibma.

Ps. save your money for the concession parties, RINO Ron.

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The Only Thing That Changes Is The Day

From the files of “I know you are but what am I?

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Terri Lynn Land has sold her shares in a mutual fund that invests in an oil company she has criticized Democratic opponent Gary Peters for owning direct stock in, a campaign spokeswoman said Tuesday.

So, there’s that {yawn}. Same ‘ol same old schoolyard nonsense when inept competes for the same office.


Frankly, I believe pet coke Stone Wool is a wonderful product, and I sure would not change my investment portfolio simply because of Peters’ hypocrisy, nor due to these jackals writing policy in Washington, which receive lobbyist payola from Socialist tax-exempt Foundations, their EnviroTard™ cults, and a cabal of billionaires, some real sleazy with pork laden schemes.

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