I spend the better part of each day talking to brave souls around the country who are deep in the trenches of the state sovereignty movement. It is truly a breathtaking and awe-inspiring experience hearing from the patriots on the front lines. I hear war stories from the boots on the ground in the great, animated contest of freedom vs. tyranny everyday.
I am both honored and humbled to be in the position to relay this urgent message, and sound the clarion call of liberty upon the masses. It is with a very heavy heart that I deliver the following report to you.
I will not mince words about what I have heard from these warriors. It is a grizzly sight. Everyone is in pain. I hear about tragedies from every corner of the nation. I see what lies beneath the mask of the federal Hydra, and it is beyond the pale. Sometimes, I feel like I need to bathe in holy water after a day’s work.
It is truly horrific to bear witness to the machinations of the beast system as it manifests itself upon God’s kingdom, and savages the greatest country the world has ever known. Watching it slowly snuff the life out of the American dream, as every American value is demeaned and debauched upon unimaginable lengths is gutwrenching. The darkness has enveloped us. The avalanche of tyranny has descended upon us.