What is it with Rick Snyder, and all these no-bid contracts that surround him? If it’s not Wisconsin’s rejected trains, then it’s his cousin’s furniture contract. Now, we have another no-bid contract driven by Snyder’s Medicaid Expansion.
But a Snyder administration official said the timing “was a coincidence” as the contract increase had been in the works for more than a month before the governor’s fundraise at the Muslim Unity Center.
See that? Yet, another Snyder related “coincidence”.
Campaign finance records show the Shaya family, which owns and operates the J & B Medical Supply, has donated more than $65,000 to Snyder’s campaign over two election cycles. On June 9, the family threw a fundraiser for Snyder that cost more than $19,000 — the most expensive shindig for the governor this election cycle — and generated nearly $74,000 in campaign cash, records show.
That doesn’t look too good, does it?
Donors included former state Sen. Loren Bennett, contract manager for J & B Medical. Bennett and two other company officials did not return messages Monday seeking comment.
Ho, ho, ho, look at what slithered out here. Dick Posthumus’ old toady. Yes, the same Bennett who not long ago said, “Michigan’s 11th Congressional District faces an unusual situation, as its incumbent congressman failed to get enough petition signatures to qualify for the ballot — thus denying Republicans in the district a qualified nominee”. Loren is a real piece of work, yes? Thank God, Bentivolio was sent to Washington, and not that corruptocrat ☞
So, what’s a Nerd supposed to do when caught in another no-bid series of contracts that netted him $93,000 worth of re-election freebies? Use his playbook on deflection.
“People are trying to make something out of it,” Snyder said. “Basically, they’ve had an agreement with the state going back to before when I was governor. Healthy Michigan (Medicaid expansion) has been going so well, we needed to keep things going.”
Wait a minute, I thought Snyder said he didn’t blame others. So, the Democrats “are trying to make something out of it”? Really? Well, let’s see…