Tag Archive for Nerdpublicans

Look to David Kroll in the 90th District

Just happened across this little blurb in mLive, and talk about a vicious circle of dysfunction.

A Holland woman who was a Washington, D.C., aide to former U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra is running for state House in the 90th District.

The seat is currently held by state Rep. Joe Haveman, R-Holland, who cannot seek re-election due to term limits.

Garcia said. “With term limits, we can’t afford to have somebody learn the ropes (before they get to work).”
Daniela Garcia planned to announce her candidacy for the Republican nomination Friday, Feb. 7, at Alpenrose Park, 4 E. 8th St. in Holland, with Hoekstra in attendance. She joins a field that has five other candidates.

She is the daughter of former Holland schools superintendent Frank Garcia [collected pension age 54].
Garica worked with U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers and during Hoekstra’s last two years in Congress [snip]

Is anything above really something to boast about? Let’s refresh our memories on Pete Hoekstra.

Folks, you have an opportunity for better in the 90th District, and his name is David Kroll.

You Betcha! (1)Nuh Uh.(0)