As I pointed out the other day, the flow of federal funds used for welfare is, and has been huge in our state.
I also hinted at the ka-ching of ‘excess moneys that local communities get to use. It keeps them on board and in line. For example, in this case:
In July 2010 Michigan received $498.6 million in federal Hardest Hit Funds (HHF) in response to the housing crisis that led to an unprecedented decline in home prices and high unemployment. MSHDA created the Michigan Homeowner Assistance Housing Corporation (MHA) to oversee distribution of the funds through a program called Step Forward Michigan.
“The Step Forward program has helped unemployed and under-employed people remain in their homes and in our state as they searched for new jobs as our state recovered,” Gov. Rick Snyder said. “That’s important for families who were struggling as our state started its recovery.”
While the title reads:
“Michigan’s hardest hit families have received $241M worth of assistance since 2010″
Efficient distribution, yes?
Just sayin.