Tag Archive for Michigan

No, It’s NOT Under The Bridge

Clearly, there are interests who will misrepresent data to freak out lawmakers into knee-jerk reactionary positions..

So when we find out the flawed data provided by Jackson Hewitt that was probably the basis for a couple of fence sitters to get lazy and stupid, we don’t have to pretend it doesn’t matter.  Some great big We-Told-You-So’s are due. Perhaps next time low information legislators will look a little deeper into what it is they are exposing the state to.  Mackinac Center Legislative Analyst Jack McHugh says:

“It maMCC_Masthead_2xy be water over the dam, but one report on the potential impact to employers if Michigan did not adopt the Obamacare Medicaid expansion has been exposed as being essentially bunk due to flagrant misuse or misrepresentation of the data it cited.

This is worth noting because the claims from Jackson Hewitt were widely cited by Republican lawmakers here who supported the expansion, and probably tilted others into that camp. Its conclusion was that “employers may pay substantially higher federal tax penalties under the ACA (Affordable Care Act) in states that do not expand Medicaid.” Jackson Hewitt estimated Michigan employers would pay between $42 million and $63 million in penalties without the expansion.

But a further study revealed that to be untrue.

The study notes incomplete demographics and assumptions of static employer behavior in the examples legislators used in justifying their yes votes. No, this is not water under the bridge, but rather a “teachable moment” that will be willfully ignored by those who took the blue pill with regard to Obamacare.

Read the rest.

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Wednesday Divertere – The Expert

As the Obamacare fiasco goes on, so do the preposterous claims that it will save money.

The ACA planners undoubtedly ran into a man like Anderson in the video, yet were unswayed in their quest to make red lines out of blue (or transparent) ink. Economics however, not being too difficult, is still a basic skill that is not yet fully understood by the progressive left. (And those who think that expanding welfare in Michigan brings a financial advantage to the state)

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The Same Mental Condition That Brings You Obamacare

Nothing new, but always disappointing.

The left has no tolerance for the suffering, unless THEY too are a part of the intolerant left.  Battling cancer ends the right to free speech apparently.  Julie Boonstra’s effort to let folks know how badly Obamacare has affected HER has simply made her a target for those who present themselves as champions of compassion.


How ‘progressive.’  H/T AFP on Twitter


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The Looting Continues Unabated

While All Is Not About ONE MAN, This Example Of Pay For Play Is Clear

pure-somethingThere is an explanation I have always used for my sincerest dislike of the MEDC, its mission, and how it takes advantage of the taxpayer for political payoff.

“If a business owner finds it necessary to take taxpayer dollars to start, maintain, or expand their enterprise, then that business model is already in trouble.  If there is no NEED for the money to survive, then it is simply a matter of theft.”

Its hard to be any clearer than that.

Any politico who uses the term “Jobs created” when discussing the MEDC grants, is trying to justify the stealing that must happen first, and is central to the MEDC program. In the history of subsidizing business, one would think that the predictions of ‘job growth’ with accomplished results would speak for itself.  In fact,  one might think such mechanisms insofar as they are touted, would make the news at least once a month if not weekly as a raging human interest success worthy of celebration.

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January Numbers Indicate New Entrepreneurial ‘Opportunities’

The numbers will of course, be revised.

They ALWAYS are.

dtmbBanner1_365855_7However, the Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budget issued a release yesterday touting a reduction in the unemployment rate and an increase in the labor force. There were apparently 32,000 more WORKING in Jan 2014, than in December 2013.  There was apparently an 11,000 person increase in the LABOR FORCE (available workers) during the same time. And this resulted in a net decrease in the unemployment rate to 7.8%.

But the 32,000 gain in total employment has an interesting sidekick of payroll job reductions.  During the same period that employment gains knocked a point off of UE numbers, actual JOBS provided to workers by external employers, decreased.

MLIVE Puts it this way:

“Total employment rose by 32,000 from December to January, according to the department, while the total number of unemployed declined by 20,000. The state’s labor force increased by 11,000. But payroll jobs, which do not include self-employed, dropped by 8,000.”

Did you see that?  There must be a huge increase of persons who are now considered ‘self employed.’

Excuse me while I go out and congratulate the ‘bottle recovery specialist’ who just happens to be rummaging around in my dumpster.

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Tea Party Pow Wow

gadsden-flagRegister for the upcoming Michigan Tea Party Pow Wow. Register by Clicking the picture!

Friday, March 21, 2014 at 7:00 PM – Saturday, March 22, 2014 at 5:00 PM (EDT) Mt Pleasant, MI at the Soaring Eagle Resort.

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Baker Farm Still Standing

Michigan farm family has had to endure an out of control bureaucratic nightmare

pighuntMark Baker being interviewed a couple of days ago by the Alex Jones folks.

There is a great point made towards the end of the Mark Baker interview here. The Baker family has had to endure an incredible pressure brought on by an out of control Lansing bureaucracy. While other farmers have folded, allowing the state to destroy their property, the Bakers have remained firmly resolved that they are protected by the US Constitution.

They are correct. (Interview/segment starts at about 14:40)

We applaud and pray for the Bakers as they courageously face an ever increasing Statist government.

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No, No You Cannot

Michigan's Legislature Seems To Be Considering Legislation That Would Be Dead On Arrival

eminent-domainA strange thing is happening.

I am not sure if it is the disease that has spread from the federal administration and is now infesting the minds of Michigan legislators is curable, but we had better get a handle on it.  Ignoring the constitution of the US by the president, and now that of Michigan by its lawmakers seems to be happening at a near feverish pace.

For the sake of not embarrassing 14 Michigan congress critters for their inability to serve articles of impeachment, we’ll forgo the multitude of Obama violations in this essay.  And perhaps we can breath a little easier (but only a little) that our legislators don’t enjoy the benefits of a Pen and a Phone, and a cowardly congress to make their abrogations easier.

Currently, and perhaps for very a reasonable cause, there is legislation that has already passed the house designating as legal, a violation of Michigan’s constitution as amended in 2006.  Perhaps without realizing it, State Representatives have passed 69-41, HB 5255.  The legislation is part of a package that will provide a mechanism for carbon sequestration, and apparently provide as well, a means for the use of CO2 as an alternative to fracking fluids or for pressurizing depleted wells.

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When Less Means More

Clearly, we dodged a bullet by not establishing a state run exchange. The AG appears to be watching for 'ricochets.'

Attorney_General_Bill_Schuette_410797_7For anyone who wondered WHY we did not establish a state run exchange, the answer is clearly about surrendering authority.

Not unlike the camel’s nose, the exchange was a buy-in to undermine state sovereignty. Fortunately, Michigan attorney general Bill Schuette appears to be trying to make sure the mandate does NOT apply to Michigan residents. From MLive:

Attorney General Bill Schuette is arguing an IRS rule offering tax credits to individuals buying health insurance on the federal exchange from states without their own exchanges violates the U.S. Constitution.

The argument was made in a “friend of the court” brief filed in a case before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, where individuals and businesses from states without insurance exchanges are challenging the ability of the IRS to offer tax credits for buying insurance through the federally established exchange.

Schuette and the attorneys general for Kansas and Nebraska argue that allowing the IRS to offer the credits overrules the decisions not to set up exchanges under the Affordable Care Act that 34 states made and is invalid under the Tenth Amendment.

Schuette’s on the right track.

Additionally, it should be noted that this might not be the most popular move, and could be painful to his campaign in the general. As many Michiganians are expecting a federal subsidy, it may not happen or they may lose that subsidy if this action is successful.

This is a courageous and quite correct move.

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Support Price Gouging – Friday Divertere

More than once we have witnessed the attorney general’s office go after or closely watch gas station owners for price gouging after severe weather events.

But is it even appropriate to do so?

In 2008, Governor Jennifer Granholm had taken a threatening posture reminiscent of HER AG days, and as pointed out, I believe she was wrong. I approached this subject with support towards those who would profit from temporary misery, and ended with support for those especially miserable:

But when considering the situation, how bad is it to charge more for gas, and at WHAT point is it considered price gouging?  Not only that, but what RIGHT does GOVERNMENT have to CONTROL Prices?  If a station owner  is looking at NO deliveries for the next two to four days raises his prices because his supplier is unable to guarantee delivery, who is in a position to criticize it?.  What is that person supposed to do? By gas prices going high temporarily, it guarantees that those who TRULY NEED the resource will have it.

This video completes the argument.

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