The Ship RMS Titanic Sank This Day in 1912
The RMS Titanic broke in half and sank at 02:20 AM zulu on this day in 1912. Should never have happened, but metallurgists of the day didn’t understand the adverse effect of phosphorous upon the ductile to brittle transition temperature of steel. Today the Titanic rests at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean at Latitude 41° 43′ 57″ North, Longitude 49° 56′ 49″ West, over 12,000 feet underwater. 1,514 men, women and children perished, only 710 survived. May they all rest in peace. The last Titanic survivor died in 2009. Not the worst maritime disaster in history, but the one seared into the conscience of the English speaking world.
Most of us, however, associate April 15th with the annual deadline for filing your U.S. and Michigan personal income taxes. Just how much money is extracted in personal income taxes on this fateful day?