Mall says: "Open on holiday or pay a penalty"
And stay clear of the DDA zones as well.
The holidays are here! Black Friday has been extended into your family time, and store owners are learning a lesson; When you have your business in someone else’s house, you had best be prepared to live by their rules. Of course that may include opening when you have no reason to open. From MLive:
“TRAVERSE CITY, MI — If the Regis salon had its choice, the store in the Grand Traverse Mall would not have opened its doors on Thanksgiving.
But the alternative was to pay the mall a fine of around $500, the salon’s manager told MLive and The Grand Rapids Press.”
Not unlike government, which zones your options away, the Malls have expectations apparently enforced by contract.
In the meantime, just go ahead and keep ignoring the encroachment on your private property rights, allow government to dictate the deviants you hire, which days you can operate, and what goes on in your business.
And then double down with a move into the local mall where you can be subjected to the landlord’s rules as well.