Tag Archive for Lisa “VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA” Brown

Just how stupid do they think people are.

A lot of interesting happenings this week.

The continuing conditioning of Michiganians to accept illegal aliens up in Vassar (among other places).

Netroots Nation Conference in Detroit (including appearances by Chief Fulla Manure & some guy who things that just because he plays the Hulk somehow IS  the Hulk).

More shenanigans with Detroit Water (along with our long time friend Maureen “The Moocher”  Taylor)  with the inhumane and appalling concept of having people pay for a service.

That “One small step” thing.

But, I’m going to focus today on the (yaaaaawwwwwnnnnnn) Michigan Gubernatorial “Race”, a link that someone sent me, and a troublesome detail that was missed by everyone covering the story this week.

And that detail?

That would be telling.

{Just kidding, details below the fold}

You Betcha! (4)Nuh Uh.(0)