Kalkaska Mayor demonstrates common sense by not engaging in unwinnable enterprise.
I just love it.
If someone said “hey come on by for a bit, cause we want to humiliate you, kick your grapes, and pour shame syrup all over you,” the usual response from squishy politicos, would be “can I bring the sprinkles?” Tis true. That is essentially what has happened in the past.
It goes like this:
- 1. Politico or popular figure says or does something considered politically incorrect, or off-colored.
- 2. Rage from community, usually driven from those who simply don’t like that politico. Because .. words.
- 3. News outlets, always looking for the next hand out of humble pie pile on with sensationalized reporting, never taking a position, but carefully framing the events.
- 4. Politico, feeling pressure from all side caves in, and feeds the beast.
Few can take the onslaught of abuse, usually delivered by the crazy left in a way that would make Saul Alinsky proud.
“Humor is essential to a successful tactician, for the most potent weapons known to mankind are satire and ridicule.”
We already know the lefties ain’t too humorous up in these here parts. There isn’t really much else for them.