Don’t allow our history to be forgotten…
Don’t let it be forgotten…
Roughly one week out from their home port, Rear Admiral Matome Ugaki orders the coded fateful message sent to Kido Butai, “Climb Mount Niitaka.”
Save, coming into contact with the Soviet transport ship Uritsky three days later, they continued traveling undetected for several more days until reaching their pre-planned destination and “…a date which will live in infamy.”
Sadly, what passes for the media has forgotten the significance of this particular date.
Hopefully, readers of this post have not.
Keep America alert.
Sadly, what passes for the media in Michigan has totally forgotten the significance of today’s date in American History.
The same will very likely be said for what your Children, Grand-Children, Nieces or Nephews will be taught in their public schools today as well.
Never forget.
Make sure that they never forget our history.