Been waiting for this feral unelected department headed up by an old Granholm administration retread‘s next move would be to pile on more pain for Gov. “Half” Whitmer’s prolonged Stay-at-home agenda to force the DNC’s Vote By Mail fraud upon us, which by the way- what better way is there for greasy forehead Gretchen to make profit off of misery than to Double the Dollar$ on an increasingly unemployed healthy Michiganians seeking a moment of decompression.
But I digress.
The first county, likely more to follow, served up the next squeeze.
LEELANAU COUNTY, Mich. (WPBN/WGTU) — In a continued effort to stop the spread of COVID-19 across Michigan, the Department of Natural Resources and local leaders are now shutting down some boat launches in Leelanau County.
The Leelanau County Sheriff’s Office received notification Thursday, April 2, 2020, that the DNR is closing three boat launches for public use effective April 3.
How ’bout them apples. Who are the so-called “local leaders” that don’t bend knee to The State? Name one that has ever told the DNR to go take a flying one, I’ll wait.
These closures will remain in effect until further notice.
Notice from whom? Sure as hell won’t be from a “local leader.”
The DNR said they are monitoring other popular fishing spots around northern Michigan to make sure people are maintaining a safe distance from one another.
Yep, and they will be monitoring it by cellphone data.