Tag Archive for GM Lobbyist Debbie Dingell

Joan Bauer, THAT’S a Real Beauty…

25 year career politician and, lifelong feminist submits a question.

But Joan Bauer, another commission member and Democratic former House member, questioned why the panel would spend money to hire an outside attorney when the state’s top legal officer, Nessel, already said it could ban guns. Bauer noted that Nessel was elected by “the people of Michigan.”

“Why is the advice of an outside attorney better than that of our attorney general?” she asked.

That is easily answered. AG Nessel owns an estimated $5B+ Womanmade Disaster, is known for admittedly operating unconstitutionally, has severe Trump Derangement Syndrome and, buttresses the opinions of a documented liar.

In other words, what Democrat Joan Bauer is suggesting for us lawful Michiganians to do is, “Know the difference, bigots!”

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It Figures…

These two uniParty swamp dwellers.

Dingell and fellow U.S. Rep. Fred Upton, R-St. Joseph, are among a bipartisan group in the House and Senate who last week introduced legislation to authorize the State and Municipal Assistance for Recovery and Transition Fund, which would provide $500 billion in emergency funding to states, counties and municipalities.

It would supplement the $150 billion Congress provided to assist state and local governments in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act.

“People don’t understand the basic necessities that local government provides,” Dingell said. “They take for granted what local governments provide them.

Wrong! That’s theft of other people’s money you old entitled mentality Gorgon. Fact is the feds have already handed Michigan $3.8 Billion dollars in relief. Still having budget shortfalls? Go complain to the greasy-forehead lying governor on a power trip in your own Party that created them and keeps extending the misery, Debbie.

Mr. President, DO NOT BAILOUT these loser Michigan Democrats.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

Chevy’$ Dolt

Because Debbie Dingell has a vested interest.

It’s the first major electric-vehicle legislation since Stabenow’s unsuccessful bill, which would have allowed automakers to offer a slightly lower tax credit of $7,000 for another 400,000 plug-in cars on top of the pre-existing cap.

In 2018, General Motors Co. and Tesla hit the lifetime ceiling of 200,000 electric vehicles, triggering a phase-out process cut the tax credit in half every six months until they hit zero at the beginning of this year.

Never forget.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(1)

She Must Mean Terminating and Prosecuting Kirk Steudle

Well, Boobus Michiganderus in CD-12 who elected her, go ahead, explain to the rest of us what the barking moonbat is trying to convey.

Because both the Senate, and House Transportation Committees sure as hell are not doing their jobs when it comes to roads and boondoggle trains? For that matter, this guy, closely aligned with Steudle, and his *special department* sure makes a habit of stumbling around with his thumb up his ass on trains, roads, and other MI-GOP payola, too.

Flushing-MoneyBottom line. From how a rational mind reads Debbie’s brassy statement is not much different than what our state legislators are doing now: throwing more money at a problem without cutting the wasteful ineptness and blatant corruption within MDOT.

You see otherwise? Drop a comment below.

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