Tag Archive for Germs

Monday Divertere: You Are All Diseased

Menopausal schoolmarm nitWhitmer’s latest jackboot exercise of flexing government control closing all bars and restaurants in Michigan, makes this all the more funnier.

That was from 1999…. if George could only see how batshit crazy everyone has become over the Wuhan flu.

###UPDATE###: Welcome to 13% unemployment in Michigan.

The restaurant and hospitality industry employs more than 600,000 people in Michigan, he said. It’s possible that the state’s jobless rate will jump from about 3.8% in January to over 13% in a “blink of an eye,” Winslow said.

Gotta give Gov. nitWhitmer credit… it only took her one year in office to achieve double digit unemployed where it took Granholm two terms.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(1)