Just watch this all the way through.
Today at the Tea Party Pow Wow in Mount Pleasant, this was the opening act. Well worth the 25 minutes.
More tomorrow.

Just watch this all the way through.
Today at the Tea Party Pow Wow in Mount Pleasant, this was the opening act. Well worth the 25 minutes.
More tomorrow.
I have to agree, this story is pretty bad ass.
It’s always the bold, fearless ones that reignite the flame of Conservatism. Don’t forget folks, we already have our Dream Team waiting for us to deploy them into action.
H/t to Mr. Pinko at iOwnTheWorld.com
There you go, Liberty coalition folks. Find us that ^ to vote for governor, and you’ll have a vastly engaged electorate. Otherwise, throw fate to the wind on a Washington D.C. embracing, big government solutions, crony capitalist, tax hiking Nerd.