Tag Archive for Employment

Work Where They Appreciate You

Take this mandate and shove it ..

A Friend passed this along.

It’s a job board for those who wish to work where they can be free of the fear mongering promoted by our government.  Employees can pass along that they are hiring, and don’t require you to endanger yourself in order to put food on your table.  Prospective employees can post a resume or use the search feature to find a decent place to work.

There is even an example letter to give your boss if he/she/it is threatening you with termination over a mandate.


You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(2)

January Numbers Indicate New Entrepreneurial ‘Opportunities’

The numbers will of course, be revised.

They ALWAYS are.

dtmbBanner1_365855_7However, the Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budget issued a release yesterday touting a reduction in the unemployment rate and an increase in the labor force. There were apparently 32,000 more WORKING in Jan 2014, than in December 2013.  There was apparently an 11,000 person increase in the LABOR FORCE (available workers) during the same time. And this resulted in a net decrease in the unemployment rate to 7.8%.

But the 32,000 gain in total employment has an interesting sidekick of payroll job reductions.  During the same period that employment gains knocked a point off of UE numbers, actual JOBS provided to workers by external employers, decreased.

MLIVE Puts it this way:

“Total employment rose by 32,000 from December to January, according to the department, while the total number of unemployed declined by 20,000. The state’s labor force increased by 11,000. But payroll jobs, which do not include self-employed, dropped by 8,000.”

Did you see that?  There must be a huge increase of persons who are now considered ‘self employed.’

Excuse me while I go out and congratulate the ‘bottle recovery specialist’ who just happens to be rummaging around in my dumpster.

You Betcha! (1)Nuh Uh.(0)