Debbie Dingell, and Lon Johnson say, “Thanks for the taxpayer funded campaign publicity, Rick!”
Mr. Anthony Amorose’s comment FTMFW

Debbie Dingell, and Lon Johnson say, “Thanks for the taxpayer funded campaign publicity, Rick!”
Mr. Anthony Amorose’s comment FTMFW
Suggestions for Michigan's congressional seats, Governor & Lt Governor, AG, SOS, and Prop 14-1
For the August 5th 2014 Republican Primary recommendation is for Alan Arcand.
We have described in other articles here of the current incumbent’s inability to understand the power of congress. Elected as a ‘Tea Party’ candidate Dan Benishek failed on all levels of political activity, and fell in line with the worst of establishment Republicans earning the next to lowest conservative rating from the Heritage foundation of all Michigan’s Republicans, only second to noted RINO Fred Upton.
Benishek’s service to the VA should have given him an especially good look at the inner workings of the VA, and as oversight for the last few years, it seems he is at least as culpable as the administration that Republicans are targeting on this issue. This neglect of our veterans would bite him in November when facing retired two star general Jerry Cannon who will capitalize on it. Democrats are COUNTING on Benishek being the GOP candidate.
Arcand on the other hand offers a fresh chance for Republicans to get it right. As a disabled vet, he takes the opposition tactic off the table. He understands Congress’ role as defined by the constitution, would not be afraid to withhold money from an out of control administration that has already threatened Upper Peninsula residents on the electrical grid alone. has no recommendation.
April Fools! Nevertheless, it’s a timeless fun little reminder about Gun Banning Debbie.
H/t Me