Folks, I tried the Dinesh way, and you know what?

OMG there’s more
— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) December 10, 2020
Yah, told the neighborhood shitlib that I was telling my grandchildren that is Barack Obama. As you can imagine…🤯
Thanks to The Great State of Texas, we Michiganians can proudly say, “Nothing is over until We the People say it is.”
Folks, we may have a bonafide national security threat in Lansing.
Are these three always projecting “leaders” still hiding behind their skirts? Well, again, Karen Big Gretch would like to talk to a manager…
It is said that you never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake so, I sorta hope it doesn’t draw too much attention to this corrupt hair brain👇
The only thing missing from this post-election circus was a lawsuit from Barry County Sheriff Dar Leaf against @GovWhitmer and @JocelynBenson. Until now, of course. Because 2020 is still happening.
— Dana Nessel (@dananessel) December 7, 2020
Frankly, the nationally recognized loony tunes yammering of a crooked, aging yenta is a gift that never stops giving. Why?
#BidenForPresident? So, it’s safe to assume the rona was all part of The Plan, after all.
This gave me chills. Last week, my 94 yo Grandma told me about her childhood picking cotton in MS, how she never went past 6th grade because of work on the farm, and how she came to Detroit for a better life. No, she’s not picking cotton anymore, she picked #BidenForPresident
— Joneigh Khaldun MD MPH FACEP (@DrKhaldun) November 5, 2020
Let’s us never forget Big Gretch’s words…
It would behoove our two term-limited Republican Majority leaders to choose which side of history they will be remembered being on, wisely…
I’ve spent so long despising this man, it nvr occurred to me to feel sorry for him. One of the luckiest men the world has ever known. While so many are suffering, he has everything, and yet can’t think of a single thing to be thankful for today. Must be an agonizing existence.
— Dana Nessel (@dananessel) November 26, 2020
No, an agonizing existence is when Rudy, and Sidney along with Military Intelligence, come after you three corrupt Democrat broads for each of your roles in committing election fraud.