What will the next over-hyped roll out of critical information be???
So Brian Calley has not yet come out and said if he was running for Governor ..US Senate ..Muffin man.
He used the build up, the excitement, the hype! ..To announce a legislative effort. The May 30 announcement at the Detroit Crony Club’s Mackinac Leadership conference brought us news that The conservative boy wonder wants to spearhead efforts for a part time legislature.
“Mackinac Island — Lt. Gov. Brian Calley is spearheading a petition drive and potential 2018 ballot proposal to make the Michigan legislature part-time and cut legislator pay, the Portland Republican announced Tuesday.”
Ballot proposal hmm?
While the idea of a part time legislature is a great idea, it is not entirely original, it does not set him apart from ‘the pack’ as Schuette beat him to the punch, and the timing is hilarious. Political opportunism on the back of good policy is a part of Calley’s past. He used RTW promises to get a hand picked supreme court nominee (who lost) and now after a decade of service in Lansing, and NOW it’s apparently time to ‘pull the trigger’ on this ‘necessary‘ reform.
The announcement however, left open the speculation of whether Calley would be pursuing higher office. His website hints at yet another big news event, telling us to come back June 1st. Obviously, Calley has a string of announcements planned all the way to the GOP leadership conference. Keeping us in suspense will keep us engaged with (presumably) his next campaign bid!