Hot air, rhetoric, and special interest conflates into a false idea of what inclusion truly is.
Big tent arguments have been the mainstay of Right Michigan since it’s inception.
Before reading it I wasn’t sure where it might go. But I found a worthwhile essay by Jack Spencer at Cap Con wrapped up in this way:
” Based on recent polling, neither major political party in this nation can, with a straight face, claim to have a “big tent” appeal. For years polling has shown that voters tend to want smaller government and to see government more as a problem than as a solution. Make no mistake about it; both of these sentiments are joined at the hip with the fear of freedom and liberty diminishing.
Theoretically this should be an advantage for Republicans. But in recent years it has been an advantage Republicans love to speak to but very rarely deliver on. “
Its worth noting that either party’s impetus for promoting THEIR version is the use of a large hammer; “smaller government” claim noted
To ‘promote’ business, claims of job creation aided-by-government is necessary, or to ‘promote’ a living wage for workers, control of those business entities is paramount. Is this a false populism of sorts? Neither party properly embraces truly free markets, true liberty, or lower government intervention.
Its worth reading the rest.