Betsy DeVos: Shut Down the Department of Education
She is right.
Of course any while regulars here would have suggested that the federal dept of education needs an uprooting long ago, we know that if there was a time to see it happen .. It is now. From the Free Press (not the one you think either)
Since its creation in 1979, the Department of Education has sent well more than $1 trillion to schools with the express purpose of closing the gaps between the highest and lowest performers. Today, those gaps are as wide as they have ever been, and by many measures, even wider.
Last week, the latest Nation’s Report Card came out, giving us a clear assessment of where student achievement stands. The report, published by the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), tells us that in reading and math, most students were even further behind than they were in 2022. Which was worse than where they were in 2019. Which was worse than 2013.
Its not going to get better either.
Schools need radical reforms, and one of those is the elimination of ‘leading’ grants that come with political agendas that actually take away from our kids’ education. The other is (As I have suggested previously) is a complete reworking of funding, and organization that is done in a way that rewards excellence in education and performance.
Step it up Trump admin!
And if our legislators are paying attention.. this will work.