Democrats using murder on demand as GOTV
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Democrats using murder on demand as GOTV
Created in-house. Share as you will.
Psalm 139:1-18
Most of you know that I am involved with Michigan’s Heartbeat initiative and in the ensuing weeks I will be encouraging all of us to participate in Life Chain Sunday. As such, the Holy Spirit has put it on my heart to reflect on the sacredness of human life. The child in the womb, the elderly, the weak, the mentally challenged, and those with physical limitations are all precious in God’s sight.
Our Heavenly Father is the giver of life. Genesis 1:26-27 reads: “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” Or as the psalmist put it, we are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Human life is a gift that should be celebrated and protected. Unfortunately that is not always the case. The right to life is an issue that sparks heated and sometimes hostile debate. The issue of abortion is one that divides families and friends. Some people are pro-choice while others are pro-life and the argument as to when life begins rages on.
I believe, with all that is in me, that life begins at conception. Many disagree with me, but the reality is, my opinion does not matter and neither does theirs! In fact, it doesn’t matter what the congress says, it doesn’t matter what the President says, it doesn’t matter what Planned Parenthood says, it doesn’t even matter what the Supreme Court has to say on the subject… what really matters is what God has to say about the value of human life.
Funeral Rites Will Take Place for 14 Aborted Babies, Saturday, Nov. 3rd & 24th
There are some disturbing things that happen around us.
In August 2018 the bodies of 15 unborn children, discovered in the trunk of Michigan abortionist Michael Roth’s car by West Bloomfield police officers, were released by the Oakland County Medical Examiner’s Office to the Borek-Jennings Funeral Home. This was the result of a two-year effort by Citizens for a Pro-Life Society to obtain the aborted babies’ remains for burial.
In the wake of Detroit funeral home these 14 aborted babies will finally be laid to rest in a dignified service, Saturday, Nov. 3rd with an funeral Mass celebrated by Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Detroit Robert Fisher, Transfiguration Parish, 25225 Code Rd., Southfield, MI. Burial to follow at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, 25800 W 10 Mile Rd, Southfield, MI.
A second funeral will take place for the 15th of the “Trunk Abortionist” babies as pro-lifers in Livingston County desired to bury one of the abortion victims in their area. That funeral is Nov. 24th, Mass, Holy Spirit Parish, 9565 Musch Rd, Brighton, MI. Burial will take place in cemetery.
The story behind this is disturbing. In Sept. 2015 the remains of 15 aborted babies were discovered in the trunk of the car of Michigan abortionist Michael Roth by the West Bloomfield police department.
Pro Life activists face trespass charges while murder mill operator maintains brevity
On September 15, 2017 four pro-lifers conducted a ‘Red Rose Rescue’ at Northland Family Planning abortion center in Sterling Hts, MI.
At that time, Will Goodman, Matthew Connolly (pictured at left), Abby McIntyre and the director of Citizens for a Pro-life Society Monica Migliorino Miller were arrested for trespassing. The rescue was part of a national initiative. On that day 2 other Red Rose Rescues took place in Alexandria, VA and Albuquerque, NM.
At 8:45am the pro-life group entered the waiting room of the abortion center owned and operated by Renee Chelian, and proceeded to talk to the mothers seated there, handing out red roses, and speaking to them with material help and words of encouragement to continue with their pregnancies, as well as on the humanity of the unborn baby. The goals of the Red Rose Rescue were two-fold: 1) to persuade women to leave the abortion center and give life to their children and 2) to provide an act of defense for the unborn scheduled to be imminently put to death–insofar as the pro-lifers expect the abortion procedures to not take place as long as they maintain a presence in the abortion facility.
After 25 minutes Sterling Heights, MI police arrived and placed the pro-lifers under arrest. They were charged with trespassing. Their attorney Robert Muise of the American Freedom Law Center intends to ask for a defense of necessity–a common law defense that excuses criminal acts that are committed to prevent a greater evil from occurring–in this case harm to women and the killing of innocent unborn children.
The evil does exist.
Defund Planned Parenthood activities in Traverse city part of a nationwide stand for life.
This was produced from video and photos taken at each of the two #DefundPP events in Traverse City Michigan today.
Clinton, Trump and Wallace Fumbled the Abortion Question/ Supreme Court Discussion
It appears both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump and the media (Chris Wallace) know very little if anything about the legal parameters pertaining to the alleged “constitutional right” to an abortion.
This conclusion is based on the discussion pertaining to the candidates’ position on abortion set forth in last night’s debate. The same is true for the main stream media and their “puppet” hosts, authors and pundits who defend Planned Parenthood. In short they don’t know enough to know what they don’t know.
Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), ruled that an illusionary right to privacy existed under the “penumbra” of the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment. A decision that has been criticized by many constitutional scholars on both sides of the aisle. This granted a limited right to a woman to have an abortion. Judge Blackmun held there is a broad right of privacy, although not explicitly set forth in the Constitution, that lurks in the “penumbras and shadows” of the Bill of Rights. This right of privacy allegedly grants women a right to have an abortion. Really? Contrary to popular belief, the Bill of Rights is not a positive grant of rights to the citizens, but a negative Bill of Limitations on what the Federal Government may not do, namely interfere with the rights retained by the states under the Tenth Amendment of the Constitution.
'Giving Tuesday' finds a surprising headline.
I have never been a fan of pressured giving.
It’s giving Tuesday, and one might wonder if the United Way is, or ever was an organization that speaks to our collective benevolence in conscience. We might ask what joy is there in supporting organizations that encourage business to round up it’s employees and make them actively acknowledge that they are “not giving today, thank you.”
As an employee of UPS in Traverse City a couple of decades ago, I attended the Friday morning Charity of the week sessions where United Way sent representatives to talk about the good it was doing with our pulled-from-the-paycheck donations. We stood around for a half hour (paid by UPS) listening to the mandatory presentation on why we should continue giving. I Didn’t much care for that; I was there to work.
"Conceived in Rape" Author Rebecca Kiessling addresses the conferees at the 2015 MiCPAC in Troy.
Finally getting this out of the to-do bin.
A couple of weeks ago, Rebecca was one of the speakers at the 2015 Michigan Conservative Political Action Conference, speaking on ‘messaging.’ Rebecca knows a little about messaging, as she has been using her personal story for several years now to reach those who think that rape is justification for the murder of the unborn.
She advocates a true pro-life stance which recognizes that even ‘in the case of Rape,’ abortion is murder.
Sorry for those brief moments when the audio is overwhelmed by the activity in the other conference room. Lessons have likely been learned for next year’s event.
Enjoy and comment.
Must not have got the memo… Butt Sex of America with some Planned Parenthood Sandra Fluke cookie peddlers.
Good God. WTF do you people think when electing these dolts?
This just in from the “Take a vote, not a vacation” files.
More people have enrolled in Medicaid’s expansion in less than four months than were expected to sign up in the entire first year of the program, the Snyder administration announced Thursday.
The expansion, called the Healthy Michigan Plan [click HERE], opened April 1 with a first-year goal of 322,000 sign-ups. The state said it exceeded that projection Thursday with more than 323,022 residents enrolled.
The Michigan Department of Community Health estimated 477,000 Michiganians would sign up by the end of 2015. The Healthy Michigan Plan opens the federal health insurance program for the poor to all adults with incomes up to 133 percent of the poverty level, or $30,000 a year for a family of four, as allowed under the federal Affordable Care Act.
“We still continue to see a couple thousand (new enrollments) every week get added to the program,” Community Health spokeswoman Angela Minicuci said Thursday [Go figure, Angela]. “It’s a little bit too early to say how long it will take to reach (total expected enrollment.) We certainly will continue to see that number grow.”
….Snyder was among a small group of Republican governors who broke with party lines to support expanding Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. He waged a bitter battle with Michigan’s Republican-controlled House and Senate to push the measure through last year.
What’s this? Karen Bouffard didn’t include the part about being forced into estate confiscation? Nah, I don’t think that would be a selling point for her propaganda.
Anyhoo, congratulations on Public Act 107 of 2013, ya bunch of Obama enabling Nerdpublicrat fools, and yes, that includes these two “conservative” frauds, too.