Tag Archive for 2016

Memo to Michigan’s Gang Of Polyps: Don’t Even Think About Trying to Pull This Crap

Read this: https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=230575

More details here. Remember, the Magic Underpants/Nelson Rockefeller wing of this state has already circled their wagon around ¿Yeb?Asian anchor babies” Bush. GOPe has gotta Hispander, you know?


Ps. Ken Cuccinelli could really use a big cup of STFU.

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Megyn Kelly sez “Misson Accomplished”

It rolls just like clockwork

Hillary Clinton confirmed during a rare Q&A session with the press on Monday that she found Donald Trump’s “blood” comments about Fox News’ Megyn Kelly “outrageous.” However, she added that some comments about women’s health from Trump’s rivals at the GOP debate were equally “outrageous.”

“I said it was outrageous, I stand by that,” Clinton said of Trump’s words. “I think more people should say the same.”

More ad nauseam here


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The Butterfly Effect

What happens when a radically unique species is introduced into a 'stable' environment?

Truthfully, its hard to not appreciate ‘The Donald.’

Sure, he’s given vast amounts of money to the bad actors over the years, been a buffoonish character on the ‘tele.’ and has pretty much enjoyed cronyism in his business dealings over the years with great success. Normally, one might expect all of this to be objectionable to conservative stalwarts who respect common sense and real free markets.

trumpedSomehow, the largely forgotten weaknesses in the Trump character is conveniently overlooked as he lambastes the existing federal mess of allowing importation of criminals through our porous borders, as he pummels current foreign policy (specifically handling of ISIS and China), and all the while reminds us of his fabulous wealth. He is indeed a self reliant, self promotions artist.

“I don’t need anybody’s money. It’s nice. I don’t need anybody’s money. I’m using my own money. I’m not using the lobbyists. I’m not using donors. I don’t care. I’m really rich”

And yes, yes he is. Even by Michigan’s ‘wooden shoe ghey mafia’ standards.

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The Next Time Someone Says Coal Is Bad

Even the bureaucrats understand an electric system that is fubar.

energyBreak out the blanket and paddles.

Folks speculate all the time whether ‘renewable energy’ is plausible enough to hit 10%, 15% etc. by a certain date.  We have had our governments propose and mandate certain dates are met with minimums of electricity being provided by ambiguous, as-yet-to-be-discovered sources to the point where our eyes bleed.

However, in the mean time, it seems someone is taking notice of the insufficient resources that only ‘magically clean’ will provide.  The Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) has somehow looked beyond the fools in Michigan’s political theater to address a looming reality. They are starting to actually ask the important questions.

And they are probably just starting to realize, our electric capacity is on borrowed time:

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