More than once we have witnessed the attorney general’s office go after or closely watch gas station owners for price gouging after severe weather events.
But is it even appropriate to do so?
In 2008, Governor Jennifer Granholm had taken a threatening posture reminiscent of HER AG days, and as pointed out, I believe she was wrong. I approached this subject with support towards those who would profit from temporary misery, and ended with support for those especially miserable:
But when considering the situation, how bad is it to charge more for gas, and at WHAT point is it considered price gouging? Not only that, but what RIGHT does GOVERNMENT have to CONTROL Prices? If a station owner is looking at NO deliveries for the next two to four days raises his prices because his supplier is unable to guarantee delivery, who is in a position to criticize it?. What is that person supposed to do? By gas prices going high temporarily, it guarantees that those who TRULY NEED the resource will have it.
This video completes the argument.