Gee ..why did Democrats wait until AFTER the election to put this crap out there??
Got one of Adam’s heads up messages via the in-box a few minutes ago.
He notes the Lame Duck Democrats are trying to get something ..anything passed during the most dangerous time in a legislative session. He says:
But the only way the Democrats can pass all of these extreme bills is with 100% unanimous Democrat votes . . . or Republicans crossing over to vote with them.
Democrats know how unpopular their extremist bills are. That’s why they didn’t take the votes before the election – and in many cases noted above, didn’t even introduce the bills until after the election.
But it’s critical you and I keep up the pressure.
These are the questions I have.
HB6257: Increase vehicle registration fee by $100/year
Why penalize taxpayers with an arbitrary fee increase after the election? It reeks of hidden agendas and post-election betrayal.
HB6258: Increase gas tax by $0.19/gallon
Why burden drivers already struggling with high costs? This punishes working-class Michiganders and sneaks through an increase they didn’t vote for.
HB4410-12: Issue driver licenses and state IDs to illegal aliens
Why reward illegal entry with state privileges? This undermines the integrity of our identification system and weakens law enforcement.
HB4556: Release criminals convicted of horrific crimes
How does releasing violent offenders improve public safety? This prioritizes criminals over victims and communities.
SB401-404: Sweeping new election laws
Why manipulate election rules to favor one party? This undermines democracy and trust in our elections. We’ve seen the damage these lunatics can do by misrepresenting access and gerrymandering.
HB6205-6210: Remove religious exemption to forced vaccination in schools
Why trample on religious freedoms under the guise of public health? This is an overreach into personal beliefs and parental rights.
HB6183-85: Allow meritless lawsuits against firearms companies
Why target lawful businesses with baseless lawsuits? This is a backdoor attempt to dismantle Second Amendment rights.
SB942: Bump stock ban
Why erode gun rights with incremental bans? This is a slippery slope toward broader firearm restrictions.
HB4156: National Popular Vote
Why weaken Michigan’s voice in presidential elections? This surrenders state influence to larger, coastal population centers.
HB6144-46: Mandate guns be destroyed after buybacks or seizures
Why destroy legally owned firearms? This is wasteful and an affront to property rights.
HB4431-33: Repeal prohibition on sodomy
Why prioritize social issues over pressing economic and public safety concerns? This reeks of performative politics.
HB5300-03: “X” gender markers on IDs
Why complicate identification systems? This undermines accuracy in records and security. Maybe we could add a ‘human’ check box too?
HB6175: Prohibit carrying firearms in vehicles
Why disarm lawful citizens while traveling? This jeopardizes self-defense and personal safety.
HB5428: Recreation passport fee opt-out
Why default taxpayers into paying more fees? Opt-in keeps government spending transparent. I do the passport on both the vehicles I own, but auto-jacking Michigan taxpayers??
HB5400-01: Create “thought crime” penalties
Why police opinions and mandate re-education? This stifles free thought and expression. Isn’t this a little extreme?
HB6256: Impose toll roads across Michigan
Why nickel-and-dime drivers with tolls after the election? It’s a sneaky tax on mobility.
HB4907: Reinstate film industry subsidies
Why repeat failed handouts? These subsidies benefit few at taxpayer expense. Have you read the history on this stuff here before?
SB707: Criminalize “false” election statements
Who decides what’s “false”? This invites censorship and punishes dissent. Again, isn’t this “thought crime” territory?
SB1082: New abortion data privacy act
Why introduce divisive privacy laws post-election? This raises transparency and accountability concerns.
HB4919: Homeless bill of rights
Why prioritize abstract rights over real solutions? This doesn’t address the root causes of homelessness. Can you imagine where this could lead?
HB4878: Prohibit landlords from considering criminal history
Why force landlords to ignore safety concerns? This puts tenants and property owners at risk. Are the commies never happy with literally wrecking housing for those who are most vulnerable? Aren’t we all a little fed up with the boot of government on our throats?
HB5088: Monthly fees for others’ water bills
Why make hardworking families subsidize others’ utilities? This punishes responsible bill-payers. Been saying this for years ..yeah?
HB6168: $10M tampon distribution in boys’ bathrooms
Why waste funds on absurd initiatives? This is virtue-signaling at taxpayer expense. Did they learn nothing from this last presidential election???
HB4547: Double marriage license fee
Why tax love and commitment? A fee hike like this is unjustified. Is this more about ending the family unit?
HB6108: Bureaucrats decide gravel pit locations
Why take power from local boards? This disregards community input and local control. Though local boards can be more abusive, isn’t the DEQ (EGLE ..whatever.. ugh) an example of Lansing based control that is disconnected from the needs of our citizens?
HB6085: Increase cap on medical malpractice damages
Why encourage lawsuit inflation? This drives up healthcare costs for everyone, doesn’t it?
SB40: Extend unemployment benefits by 6 weeks
Why incentivize staying unemployed longer? This strains businesses and the economy. Perhaps we should shorten it to a maximum of 4 weeks, and taking away the tax liability out of the equation. People need to motivate, yes?
HB5013: Mandate birth control coverage
Why force private insurers to cover costs some oppose? This interferes with market freedom and personal values. And isn’t this a step in the direction of mandating abortion coverage?
SB293: Remove regulations on subsidized housing
Why not go one further? Eliminate subsidized housing perhaps?

Great questions !! I don’t suppose you got anyDem Legislator response.
You should be asking the likes of DeVos, Schostak and Weiser how they feel about the part that they played in making this happen?
The democrats couldn't have gotten to where they are at today without their (in)action in past elections
I obviously was sleeping during this egg crap. First thing is undo this egglegislation crap. So how does this free range work? The hens go running around, run up to a hen house, drop eggs and go back to running around? Or, do they stay in a warm hen house when Its cold out? Know hens are not the smartest animal on the planet...but are their eggs no good to sell if egg pooped in a warm hen house? Is free range determined by removing the fence around the hen house? Am in awe that a group of stupid thinks this needs legislation even a little bit. But now, the only legislation needed is to rescind whatever is needed to get rd of it.