Gretchen Whitmer is no friend to hunters, sports shooters, or those who self defend.
The reality when looking at the gubernatorial race is that #thePartyOfCrime (as a rule) is not the gun owner’s friend.
We have had Michigan Democrats who claim they do not want to take your guns, but then speak of enhanced registration, or further limits on where lawful gun carrying might take place. There have been legitimate Dem politicos (Bart Stupak for one) who even faced personal firearm tragedy and yet was honorable enough to respect our 2A tradition.
Those days are gone however, and the reality of the zombie #MOB Democrats is upon us.
The ACA, a health insurance mandate conveniently had lines of [code] within it to begin stealth registry of gun owners through doctor visits. Gretchen Whitmer and other gun grabbers pushed it hard for Michigan.
Whitmer has in the past called for enhanced background checks, extended waiting lists and red flag bills that can deny due process to those with supposed mental problems and depression. (where could THAT possibly go wrong?) She has also spoken on prohibitions of ‘assault weapons,’ wherever the hell that definition falls on any day of the week.
Michigan’s sporting heritage may not be at risk in the immediate future from some of these minor tweaks that Gretchen Whitmer and today’s Democrats #Mobs advocate, but is it worth the risk?
Halloween can be spooky enough without this ghoul stalking law abiding gun owners.
Break out the garlic and set the zombie traps.

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