Unless you are politically feared you will never be politically respected
Traverse Bay 9/12 and N.M.C.N. Presents
LaSeniorita 1245 S. Garfield Road, Traverse City MI 49686
Saturday May 6, 2017 | 10am – 6:30pm
You owe it to the principles you stand for to learn how to become the most effective activist you can be.
The Foundation’s Political Leadership School will help you understand how the political process REALLY works, because when you understand how the political process works, you can make it work to advance the issues and causes you believe in that will restore America to its small-government, constitutional roots.
This intensive 1-day training will teach you how to turn your conviction and passion into effective political action.
If you think you have no control over our future – think again. Invest in this course, implement this model and WIN!
~ Christopher Z (NY)
You will learn:
- The REAL nature of politics and politicians and why just educating people alone won’t result in the political change you want
- Why small groups of dedicated activists can and do win
- Why you will never be politically respected until you are politically feared and how to build a group that is feared by politicians on the wrong side of your issue
- You’ll learn the greatest lie ever told in politics and how the political class uses that lie and your convictions against you
- How to pick a good political fight
- How to put together a legislative project, get a bill sponsor, and force a roll call vote despite opposition from the leadership.
- How to hold politicians accountable for their actions (or lack of action).
In a nutshell, you’ll learn why you’ve been losing and how to start winning.
I told my sons that what they learned in the one-day training took me about 20 years to learn in the school of hard knocks – and most people never learn the things the Foundation teaches. FACL provides a foundation that saves people years of running on the political hamster wheel to nowhere. ~ Matt T (WI)
The Foundation’s Trainers aren’t pointed-headed intellectuals and policy wonks. Our schools are taught by people who have been putting these principles to work in the political trenches and have the scars and stories to show you how to use the tools, tactics and strategies we teach to win for liberty.
Seating is limited. Registration: Early Bird $40, General Admission $50 (Includes lunch)
Without the Foundation, we would be like every other “group” out there – frustrated with educating our legislators and expecting them to do the right thing.
In just over 2 years we’ve taken over our school board, township board, stopped corporate welfare tax breaks, disrupted state budget talks and forced roll call votes giving us a list of BAD politicians to expose! ~ Dean K (PA)
Register online, today, and join us in advancing real conservative leadership. REGISTER HERE
If you are interested in hosting a Political Leadership School in your area, please email Dave Pridgeon at dp@facltraining.org

Thanks guys. I'm so looking forward to this can't wait. There's limited seating so please order your tickets early. Many from the conservative groups have already taken this class and are going to take it again. Arm yourselves with knowledge to do battle. We're going to need it.
If you missed this, grab the next one.
Seriously worth it.