Turnkey operations are clearly the next step.
It’s true, why not turn our government bureaucracies into full blown business incubators? Buy a number of corner buildings, land, ready spaces, and turn em into a new 7-11 chain, tux shop conglomerate, or CBD syndicate. Then, turn em over to someone willing to fill out the paperwork, stand on a stage with a governor, and swear allegiance to the bureaucracy and our sacred Eco-Dev Central!
the MEDC is having a birthday. In fact it is apparently ready to graduate from simple cronyism, to full blown Fascism. Government determining which component of the economy it will promote with taxpayer money is certainly bad, but when it actually does the site work? From Crains:
Are there are some areas outside of your control and domain that you think we ought to be focused on as a state in order to improve our chances to land the next company from San Jose?
The one that’s in our domain that we have started doing some work on — working with our local partners — and that’s having ready sites. Whether it’s just raw acreage that has the right infrastructure available in terms of electrical capacity, water and sewer. …
We are not a state that has a lot of available spec buildings — the 180,000-square-foot size buildings that have been built speculatively by developers that we can immediately turn to a prospect and say here’s a building you can move into in 60 days. We’re doing some work in that space both on the spec building side … as well as on the raw land site improvement to help get us better prepared or ahead of the curve to take advantage of some of the opportunities that are out there.
In other words “if we build, they will come”
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(15)Nuh Uh.