Slotkin Rebuttal???

LOL. Fail Bot. Elissa Slotkin will respond to President Donald J. Trump’s Joint Address to Congress tonight. Senator Slotkin stands…


The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)


Headlee History

For decades, or rather for FOUR decades, we have enjoyed protections from over taxation.

At the April 27, 2019 MiCPAC event, Patrick Anderson & Norm Hughes discuss Richard Headlee, the history of Headlee legislative efforts, and the impact on Michigan’s ability to abuse the taxpayers.

Enjoy, and plan on attending the MiCPAC next year.

Or  check out the 2019 UPCPAC event June 14

You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)

National Day Of Prayer.

We can all be redeemed.

It is a decision one has to make.  We can accept the grace of God, or we can wallow in bitterness and hatred for others.  Hatred poisons the soul.  It physically manifests as addiction, and it binds us negatively to those with whom we find disagreeable.  Hatred is a trap, and is spiritually incompatible with the professing Christian.

The worst of us are made worthy already in the eyes of God through Christ our Lord.  And surprisingly, some of those who profess this belief cannot get beyond hatred of the man  who is our president.  He lives in their thoughts to be permanently scorned, abhorred, rejected outright. No matter the results of his efforts to secure for us a more prosperous, and healthy nation.

To which I offer this prayer.

Oh Lord, Father, Creator, giver of life, hear the cries of this nation.  Hear the despair that manifests itself as antipathy for the President, a man you have sent to lead our nation.  Right the hearts oh God, of those who cannot separate themselves from the hate to which they hold so tightly in their hearts.  Heal their wounded souls so they might know the difference between disagreement and willful revulsion.

Cure the poison within us Lord, so that we may find the path to you in righteous posture. Cast out our addiction to hatred and indignant pride. Reveal to all the love in Your holy word. Make a way for us to open our hearts and expel that which binds us to continued pain through obsession.

Oh Father hear our pleas.

Show those who seek you, how to love as you instruct. Put us in the paths of those who do not, we your willing servants, so they might know the way to you oh God.  Give us the strength to guide them to you Father in the name of your son Jesus who bore the weight of our sins and offered us eternal life.



You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

If the title of this piece sounds familiar, then it should concern you a great deal.

If not, then you’re looking at the beginnings of the latest round “revisions” concerning what your family will be taught in Michigan’s Public Schools.

{Continued below}

You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)

Site Prep

Turnkey operations are clearly the next step.

It’s true, why not turn our government bureaucracies into full blown business incubators? Buy a number of corner buildings, land, ready spaces, and turn em into a new 7-11 chain, tux shop conglomerate, or CBD syndicate. Then, turn em over to someone willing to fill out the paperwork, stand on a stage with a governor,  and swear allegiance to the bureaucracy and our sacred Eco-Dev Central!

the MEDC is having a birthday.  In fact it is apparently ready to graduate from simple cronyism, to full blown Fascism.  Government determining which component of the economy it will promote with taxpayer money is certainly bad, but when it actually does the site work?  From Crains:

Are there are some areas outside of your control and domain that you think we ought to be focused on as a state in order to improve our chances to land the next company from San Jose?

The one that’s in our domain that we have started doing some work on — working with our local partners — and that’s having ready sites. Whether it’s just raw acreage that has the right infrastructure available in terms of electrical capacity, water and sewer. …

We are not a state that has a lot of available spec buildings — the 180,000-square-foot size buildings that have been built speculatively by developers that we can immediately turn to a prospect and say here’s a building you can move into in 60 days. We’re doing some work in that space both on the spec building side … as well as on the raw land site improvement to help get us better prepared or ahead of the curve to take advantage of some of the opportunities that are out there.

In other words “if we build, they will come”

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

nesseL : Lessen

Not even a month in operation and she’s in damage control mode.

The first-term Democrat testified before the Senate Oversight Committee, where she used her opening statement to dispel what she called “misconceptions” about the unit she officially launched last month.

“We are not policing thoughts or words,” Nessel told lawmakers. “While some people in this state may choose to exercise their right to free speech by thinking hateful thoughts, saying hateful words or associating with hate-filled people, as attorney general it is my job to protect that right, not to prosecute it, even if I vehemently disagree with those thoughts, words or associations.

And, Michiganians are supposed to believe a radical lesbian Democrat that just said this about upholding Law?

Uh-huh, here, pull my finger…

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

One Dumb Nerd

There is little doubt Slick Rick is brooding in his $2M condo with regrets about the Party division he and Calley created in during the 2018 election. Think not? Read on…

Washington — Michigan officials have provided congressional investigators with tens of thousands of documents related to the Flint water crisis since the start of the year.

The office of Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel is continuing to work “cooperatively” with the House Oversight and Reform Committee to produce the documents that the panel requested, Nessel spokesman Dan Olsen said this week.

“Our office has already supplied the committee with tens of thousands of pages of documents, and we are diligently working to send the rest,” Olsen said.

Olsen added that, while some of the records provided to the committee have been submitted previously, “most of these pages of documents are new.”

The Attorney General’s Office is sending the documents in response to Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings of Maryland, who in late December wrote to then-Gov. Rick Snyder asking he “fully comply” with the committee’s 2016 bipartisan request for documents related to the water crisis.

Well, there is a lesson to be learned in all this.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)