Slotkin Rebuttal???

LOL. Fail Bot. Elissa Slotkin will respond to President Donald J. Trump’s Joint Address to Congress tonight. Senator Slotkin stands…


The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)


Big Girls Don’t Cry

Another day, and another Fake News media spot for the attention whore.

Headline: Whitmer says she censors herself speaking about Trump to get federal aid

If this is what passes for female leadership, then I want Gretchen Whitmer to keep this state on lockdown so long that at least a generation will never vote Democrat again.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

When all else Fails…

The Democrat Party and their propaganda arm MSDNC media trots out their Sleepy Joe’s stereotype of “black enough.”

“The truth is more people are killed by deer in a year than have ever been proven to commit voter fraud at a given time,” he told Hunt.

More lies and deception here if you can stomach it

Lt. Gov. 6′ 8″ is a waste of time, a waste of $111,510 + $18,000 in expense allowance a year, is universally despised in Detroit and, most importantly, reveals himself as being a full of crap stooge. #FeelTheBern

It must be a miserable existence for Garlin to live the sole sworn duty of kissing “that woman from Michigan“s ass.

And, the best endorsement of all?

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

510 Days in Office and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is Responsible for Two Flint’s

Before delving into the dam failure and, moving known COVID-19 positive cases into senior and longterm care facilities, and a COVID positive case with mental issues that assaulted a 77-year-old veteran, let us reflect upon the identifiable mental disorders of the following tweet.

See them? Good.

Now let’s have a conversation.

You Betcha! (46)Nuh Uh.(0)

The little people are revolting.

This came in my e-mail tonight. I thought that it would bring a smile to everyone’s faces.

According to, Mr. Governor wanted to take full advantage of Memorial Day, and take his powerboat out on Birch Lake.

Does he even sleep in the same house with Gov. Witless?

I guess not, because despite the constant reminders of her “orders” on what passes for “objective” local TV stations literally just this afternoon about not going anywhere, Mr. Governor called ahead to see if he could have his boat in the water and everything ready at the cabin by tomorrow.

Yep, that looks like their ride.

Since everything isn’t anywhere near back to running at 100%, the company he called, politely told him that would not be feasible in his time-frame. Not giving up, he wanted to impress them by whom he is married to.

Here is what he said;

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

Sunday Sermon – Faith and Freedom

This week, America will pause for Memorial Day, a day when we honor those who have fallen in defense of our freedom. But Freedom is more threatened now than at any time since General Howe nearly defeated Washington’s army on the shores of Long Island in 1776. In an effort to protect us from a deadly virus, governors from all 50 states shut down their economies and issued stay at home orders to their citizenship.

Today, I want to illustrate the Christian faith as the foundation of our freedom. I will begin with two statements, followed by examples that explain and support those statements. The first statement is that America’s Freedom and Greatness is built upon a Christian Foundation. I understand that secularists decry this statement. They believe that our nation’s greatness is due to other factors such as geography, our laws, or our democracy. But other nations have all of those same elements.

Some might go so far as to say that religions contributed to our greatness. But again, look at other religious nations. In fact, look at the most religious nations in the world today, where Sharia Law is practiced, and you will not find greatness or freedom, you will only find oppression and poverty. Yet, here in America, greatness and supremacy in economics is powered and influenced, not by religions, but by its Christian foundation.

You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)

Saturday, June 13? Nah, This Just Isn’t Going to Work, Gretch

It must really suck for the lost for options Democrat Party, that Whitmer, Nessel, and Benson, have brought down upon the local, reliable media bootlickers in Michigan, when even they are rebelling.

Warned you Nasty Nessel… you all, all three of you ’empowered women,’ look like assholes to an entire nation. Want the absurd OK, AG Karen embarrassing video posted here too? Lesson for you, stupid. Whatever you agreed to with the UAW, your Democrat financial funders, is not law, nor binding, nor is your governors’ illegal executive orders. The video? Will oblige. Just respond.

Nah, nevermind. Hell with it. Here is the Nessel lunacy.

Here’s the deal

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)