The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (0)Nuh Uh.(0)


Some Questions

Got one of Adam’s heads up messages via the in-box a few minutes ago. He notes the Lame Duck Democrats…


Low Information Reporters: Where low information voters are created

If you ever wondered where low information voters come from, here’s one place to start: Low information reporters.

Here’s an excerpt from See if you can spot the problem sentence in this excerpt of our MLive reporter recanting Mark Schauer (Democrat) latest campaign speech:

He pledged to fight for a minimum wage increase, restoration of school funding and the earned income tax credit and repeals of pension taxes and right-to-work legislation that banned collecting union dues.

Uhhh, “legislation that banned collecting union dues“? Really?

Michigan’s Right-to-work law only prohibits forcing workers to pay dues to a union:

Right-to-work means that unions can’t require an employee be fired for declining to pay union dues or agency fees, while maintaining a union’s ability to collectively bargain.

You would think a reporter covering Michigan’s Gubernatorial campaign would know what, exactly, Michigan’s right-to-work law actually says since the right-to-work issue is going to be an important topic in the governor’s race for the next nine months or so.

*** Cross posted @ MCT ***

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Bankrupt – The Movie


Cronyism, corruption, bailouts, favored status, confiscation through eminent domain, picking winners and losers.  Sound familiar?

This documentary premiered yesterday in Washington DC, and offers some historic perspective to the decline of Detroit.

Perhaps even, an explanation (a warning) of what is to come next, as long as we allow our governments to engage in corporatism; a way in which our taxpayers dollars are funneled into the pockets of special interests  and how corruption has abused Detroit, providing little benefit to those paying the bills. At one point Thomas LaDuke makes a great point about not questioning “people’s heart or motives,” but his frustration of how city residents don’t actually see how the city has been run.


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Now why might this be?

Something interesting to note with battleground state data that has been released a short while ago.

Gallup: January 2-December 29, 2014

Obama Approval ratings in Senate Battleground States (this is the YEARLY average, the President’s current numbers are actually lower in EACH of these states).

  • Alaska: 33.5%
  • Arkansas: 34.9%
  • Colorado: %42.3
  • Georgia: 45.4%
  • Iowa: 42.5%
  • Kentucky: 35.1%
  • Louisiana: 40%
  • Michigan: 47.7%
  • Montana: 33.1%
  • New Hampshire: 44.6%
  • North Carolina: 43%
  • Oregon: 45.4%
  • South Dakota: 31.7%
  • Virginia: 46.4%
  • West Virginia: 25.1%

The current numbers may be lower, but I see one particular thing that makes sense.

You have to love Michigan’s push for medicaid expansion, and ceding to the Obamacare plan along side other progressive Obama ‘likes’ such as common core, A21, and transportation schemes. The highest appreciation for Obama, coming from the state that is controlled by Republicans.

Because Republicans manage those failed progressive schemes so much better than the Democrats.


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Dave’s Not Going Anywhere

So-farAnd there appears to be no strong sentiment outside of the Democrat party, and a few belligerent GOP party thugs who are looking for him to do so.  A recent interview including this:

According to Agema, when fear and intimidation are applied, those would speak against the party’s status quo “immediately shrink back and say Boy, I’m going to be quiet, because if I say anything I’m going to get the same ridicule.”


Along with the article is a running poll asking if Dave should step down, or stick it out.

Not surprisingly, as of my own vote in support, the results are near unanimous.

Staying The course for conservative values

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Land Making Potholes for a smooth Gary Peters Victory

The cognitive dissonance is just staggering.

“Detroit is central to our state. It’s very important, it’s the home of the auto industry. As Detroit is successful the whole state is successful.”

What better way to convey that message than by doing it with a discontinued niche vehicle built in Texas, by a corporation headquartered in Illinois?

And seriously, is it possible this dweeb is so out of touch, along with the rest of the Schostak Party apparatchik, that they do not know they all are being laughed at?

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Presstitute Finley: OMG FRINGE FRINGE FRINGE!!

clown-finley Noted Clown Presstitute and Media whore Nolan Finley thrashes about in the big-top of meaninglessness once more.

Since the hit piece by itself is hardly readable without a little vomit expunging itself in one’s throat, I have created a little guide that will help folks figure out what it is he thinks he is talking about.
**Nolan Finley Footnotes and Definitions**

**”GOP Regulars”
**”Mainstream Michigan Republicans”
**”Veteran GOP activists”
All used to firmly plant in the mind of the reader as the ‘NORMAL’ ones. but in reality = “Entrenched Unprincipled Progressives in the GOP”

**”GOP fringe groups”
The folks who saved the party in 2010 from self destruction, gaining majorities in places undreamed of.

**”most of Michigan’s GOP leadership.” = A select small group of individuals who feel a sense of entitlement to leadership and ownership for all the efforts REAL GRASS ROOTS perform. A group that does not like to share power, especially if it is with “Extremists”

**”detriment to the party’s success.” = A condition fully subjective and to the whim of “GOP Regulars”

**” a political action committee, called Advance Michigan” = Party hacks testing unexploded ordnance with a ball peen hammer like a bunch of chimpanzees.  Some of which might carry a “have a nice day” smiley face sticker

**”common sense conservatism.” = A time tested method by progressives in the Republican party in which decline is clearly managed. (See “Surrender” in the French military handbook)

**” embarrassing the party” = Upholding party platform positions and mores.

**”“This will be a broad-based movement to help advance conservative principles” = A statement by a man standing on a precipice and one foot over the chasm (See Wile E. Coyote)  We’ll be taking bets on whether the sign that says “help!” hangs in mid-air for a second after his descent.

And finally?

““We can be our own worst enemy.” = The Only thing that made any sense in the entire page.



Honk Honk.


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Hearts In The Right Place But

There are definitely better ways to leverage the [accounting trick] found money into a better revenue generating machine.

Watch the video below, then recall that the rate was supposed to return to 3.9% by 2015 anyhow. And in the end we still must fill out a tax form. (MI Fairtax would take care of that)

Truthfully, if the legislature really wants to make this state job friendly, and presumable spend off that pretend surplus of a billion bucks, there is another place far more suitable. They might consider attacking something that raises that much, and is a business punisher.

ELIMINATE a whole tax infrastructure.  Finally rid the scourge that is the personal property tax, levied on businesses.  Quit talking around the edges and looking to exempt one type of industry or another.  Just break out the eraser and do Michigan business owners justice and make it disappear.

It would encourage manufacturing to return, and make the state more appealing to potential start ups.

But, perhaps some might think we are whistling in the wind.

Is it because income tax reductions are more sexy than solid business inviting policy

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