The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (0)Nuh Uh.(0)


Some Questions

Got one of Adam’s heads up messages via the in-box a few minutes ago. He notes the Lame Duck Democrats…


When Less Means More

Attorney_General_Bill_Schuette_410797_7For anyone who wondered WHY we did not establish a state run exchange, the answer is clearly about surrendering authority.

Not unlike the camel’s nose, the exchange was a buy-in to undermine state sovereignty. Fortunately, Michigan attorney general Bill Schuette appears to be trying to make sure the mandate does NOT apply to Michigan residents. From MLive:

Attorney General Bill Schuette is arguing an IRS rule offering tax credits to individuals buying health insurance on the federal exchange from states without their own exchanges violates the U.S. Constitution.

The argument was made in a “friend of the court” brief filed in a case before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, where individuals and businesses from states without insurance exchanges are challenging the ability of the IRS to offer tax credits for buying insurance through the federally established exchange.

Schuette and the attorneys general for Kansas and Nebraska argue that allowing the IRS to offer the credits overrules the decisions not to set up exchanges under the Affordable Care Act that 34 states made and is invalid under the Tenth Amendment.

Schuette’s on the right track.

Additionally, it should be noted that this might not be the most popular move, and could be painful to his campaign in the general. As many Michiganians are expecting a federal subsidy, it may not happen or they may lose that subsidy if this action is successful.

This is a courageous and quite correct move.

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A Short Treatise On Extremism

EOne of the most concerning comments a Constitutional Conservative Republican can hear from a fellow Republican is that they are “extreme” in their views.

The schism within the party should seem a remarkable thing if one was to examine what ‘extremism’ truly is.  Is there a defined line in the sand, or a point in which an accumulation of thoughts and philosophy render one susceptible to branding with a scarlet “E”? And like much of the politics playing out across the US, Michigan has developed what appears to be a Left-Right paradigm within a party presented as being on the right side of the political spectrum as long as can be remembered.

That, OR the window of tolerance for views once held as standards has been closed.

Extremism is subjective.  It is a moving target. And it is a relative condition that exists ONLY from the perspective of those who would label one with such hyperbole. This is unarguable.  If someone were to examine another person’s political views and agree with them, they would not likely make the claim that they too, are ‘extreme.’  Their philosophical centering at-rest is the foundation on which their opinions are formed, decisions are made, and with politics, support and votes are rendered.

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Fridays Fabula: A Distich of Dicks

Pretty much accurate about everything, I’d say. Follow the money, which is pocket change for the Wooden Shoe Mafia Amway/Alticor/Alterra/Prince/RDV Corporation/Windquest clan.

Outside of the Johnny one note RTW whining that’s getting real old (didn’t address Public Sector), nonetheless, it is true that Rick Snyder did lie to his Democrat base that elected him.

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Support Price Gouging – Friday Divertere

More than once we have witnessed the attorney general’s office go after or closely watch gas station owners for price gouging after severe weather events.

But is it even appropriate to do so?

In 2008, Governor Jennifer Granholm had taken a threatening posture reminiscent of HER AG days, and as pointed out, I believe she was wrong. I approached this subject with support towards those who would profit from temporary misery, and ended with support for those especially miserable:

But when considering the situation, how bad is it to charge more for gas, and at WHAT point is it considered price gouging?  Not only that, but what RIGHT does GOVERNMENT have to CONTROL Prices?  If a station owner  is looking at NO deliveries for the next two to four days raises his prices because his supplier is unable to guarantee delivery, who is in a position to criticize it?.  What is that person supposed to do? By gas prices going high temporarily, it guarantees that those who TRULY NEED the resource will have it.

This video completes the argument.

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Open Carry March on 2 March (a Sunday) in Grand Rapids

Last year, Johann Deffert faced a felony stop, illegal detainment, and disarmament by the Grand Rapids PD merely because he was openly carrying a holstered pistol while walking down a sidewalk, an act which is legal in the state of Michigan. As a result, Deffert has filed suit against the City, the Police Chief at the time (Kevin Belk), and the three officers who responded.

As a result, I talked with Tom Lambert, Michigan Open Carry Assistant Legislative Director and Board Member, and we came up with a plan for a march around the 1 year anniversary of Deffert’s illegal detainment, including breakfast at the establishment that Deffert left prior to being picked up.

We’ll be linking up around 1000 for breakfast at New Beginnings Restaurant (1455 Michigan Street NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503). At around 1130, we’ll be leaving Fuller Park (250 Fuller Ave NE, Grand Rapids 49503) after connecting with those who didn’t attend breakfast for the corner of Lakeside Dr. and Michigan St., the rough location of where Deffert was detained.

After hanging around for a bit, some of us will be heading towards city hall, while others may return to the park and leave.

While not really “news” per se, I thought that there are those on here who might be interested in participating.

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Has Money for a Camera Crew and Time to Play With a Shovel?

Pure Propaganda

“While it’s 30 some degrees, I can’t imagine what it’s like doing this when it’s zero. Um, but it’s a lot of work, and uh, at the end of the day, I bet I sleep really, really good.”

Aw, why that just tugs away at my little ‘ol heartstrings, does it yours? C’mon, they’re getting paid Prevailing Wage to fill holes with the most complex of tools known to all of mankind to operate – a garden shovel. The lengths these bureaucrats will go just to extort more pissed away tax dollars.

If going all Hollywood production on us with our tax dollars, Kirk, at least come up with a new schtick.

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Straw Poll Eye Opener

Its already assumed by many within the Michigan Republican party that Governor Rick Snyder will essentially cruise to a win over a scandal ridden Schauer campaign.

wes-nakagiriWe have had a different take on it; essentially arguing ANYONE could beat Schauer, so why not have a robust primary on the GOP side?  Alas, as there are few who wish to spend money fighting both the candidate, AND risk being on the outs in the GOP in the future, we are relegated to the squishy liberal incumbent.

Someone HAS taken a cue from the weakness of the establishment in the supporting organization however.  When challenger Todd Courser came within a couple dozen votes to oust sitting MiGOP chair Bobby Schostak in a prior convention, it sent a message that a shakeup is in the works.  By the time the Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference had happened, no challenger had yet appeared to depose Snyder, but a contender willing to stand before Republican Delegates in 2014 and challenge Sitting Lt Governor Brian Calley had made it clear he was in it to the end.

Wes Nakagiri announced his candidacy, and the Snyder Calley folks took him seriously.

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Nyet x2

This is why ANYONE who can unseat Snyder in the Republican Primary could cruise control into the governor’s mansion.

Presented in Specially patented ®BiParti-Vision. (click the start arrow of each; one right after the other)

We are doubly ‘pooched.’

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