With the flurry of “tax increases” that have been levied upon the taxpaying citizens of Michigan at the hands of the Republican controlled legislature in Lansing since gaining power and control with the help of the Tea Party in 2010 is unconscionable.
The Tea Party movement is named, of course, for the famous event in late 1773 when cases of tea were dumped unceremoniously into the Boston harbor. The Boston Tea Party was a carefully orchestrated strike against a commodity that was being taxed and sold by a monopoly provider the British East India Tea Company. The tea the Sons of Liberty dumped into Boston Harbor was in fact from China.
The link below is an excellent read for those Tea Party Conservative Patriots of Freedom and Liberty who strongly believe in a Constitutional government and a return to those principles that have lost their way in today’s tyrannical government. The following is adapted from a speech delivered by Charles R. Kesler on October 21, 2013, at Hillsdale College’s Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship in Washington, D.C., sponsored by the AWC Family Foundation Lecture Series.