The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(0)


Some Questions

Got one of Adam’s heads up messages via the in-box a few minutes ago. He notes the Lame Duck Democrats…


Where is the Money From Public Act 95 of 2013 Going?

Serious question when those in Lansing just performed government sanctioned theft of $60 million dollars (includes $10M gamed from .FEDGOV). Why is this going on anywhere?

Be careful how you answer that because it sure as Hell is not giving me a warm and fuzzy feeling that the Progressive Nerd’s non-bailout bailout schemes is spending another $350M in tax dollars.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(0)

Saturday Wrap Up – And Other KrisAnne Hall Stops

KrisanneToday’s KrisAnne Hall presentation in front of 100 plus in Traverse City was nothing short of eye opening.

Hall offered to a ‘Constitutional Conservative Republican’ Senate leader in Florida, the way in which the state could ‘nullify’ provisions of the healthcare law. The Senate leader Don Gaetz replied in an email to Hall with a disturbing note:

don-gaetz“After sending Senator Don Gaetz my letter explaining the positions of James Madison, Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton on State Sovereignty, Mr. Gaetz says that citizens who agree with the writer of the Declaration of Independence should be summarily shot and hanged.”

Summing up the attitude that makes up a greater part of the leadership in the country.

While I digest all of the class information, file away the epiphanies, and prepare for the next round of historical fact based blogging observations, It occurs to me that other Michigan folks might appreciate a heads up of what to expect.  First off, you might THINK you know the constitution, and you might even know of the documents that were ‘plagiarized,’ to form the basis of the constitution, but her presentation will fill in where it matters.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)

And Now A Proper Application Of The *14th Amendment

The equal rights canard with regard to same sex ‘marriages’ is premised on the “nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” component of the inappropriately ratified and illegal 14th Amendment.

Fact is, there is no inequality to start with. Consider that simply because marriage is between one man and one woman, it does not exclude those who are of a different sexual orientation from enjoying that same privilege, or right. They can still do so within the definition established by we the people of the state of Michigan!

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)

Rogers To Move On

rogersUS Congressman Mike Rogers is putting away his legislative pen.

Its apparently time to move on the the graveyard of political careers. The land of political punditry; broadcaster Nirvana. Talk Radio. The Detroit News Reports

The seven-term Howell Republican’s announcement comes less than a month before the filing deadline — and is the third major departure for the state’s congressional delegation following the decisions of Rep. John Dingell, D-Dearborn, and Sen. Carl Levin, D-Detroit, to retire. Last year, Rogers opted not to pursue Levin‘s seat, despite pressure from fellow Republicans, to focus on his job overseeing the Intelligence committee.

This of course presents yet another opportunity for a Michigan conservative pickup in the 8th congressional district. It also can go the other way if a decent candidate is NOT found by April 22, which is Michigan’s filing deadline for the Aug 5 primary.

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)

Snyder is a no-good piece of **** on guns

I know I’m preaching here to many that already know this. I’ve said it before, but I feel the need to say it again. Rick Snyder is a no good piece of “s” when it comes to gun owners. It’s my humble opinion that we would be much farther along in Michigan if Virg Bernero had be elected governor in 2010.

Is Virg a strong pro-gun politician? Far from it — exactly the opposite, in fact. If Virg was dictator, every gun would be banned. That being said, Virg is a Democrat. Why is that important? In 2011/2012 we had well over 2/3rds Republicans in the State Senate. The State House was just short of a 2/3rd Republican majority. Given this, it was like pulling teeth to get both houses to adopt pro-gun legislation. Why? RICK! Both the Speaker and the Senate Majority Leader have over the past 3 years done nothing but carry the water for our dear Governor. You see, you don’t get to become the Speaker of the House nor the Senate Majority leader by willfully breaking the 11th commandment: thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow Republican. Both of these guys and most of the Republicans in the legislature won’t pass something unless Rick is okay with it.

As it happens, Rick isn’t very pro-gun for a Republican. It’s rumored his roommate was shot in college and that has made a long term impression on him regarding guns.

If Virg had been elected, on the other hand, the super-majority pro-gun legislator would have sent him pro-gun legislation, just to spite him because he’s a Democrat. Of course, he would have veto’d it — but that is okay. With 2/3rds of each chamber we would have easily over-ridden his veto. Regarding the 2 or 3 missing votes (Republican wise) in the House, I could have found them on the Democrat side of the aisles in people like Richard LeBlanc in 2011/2012. I maintain if Virg had been elected, Michigan would be a constitutional carry state right now with fewer Pistol Free Zones.

Now, I’m not going to tell anyone how to vote this year…but I plan to vote for a Republican legislator and a Democrat Governor — even if said Democrat is flaming anti-gun.


These thoughts are the views of Phillip Hofmeister and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Michigan Open Carry, Inc.

You Betcha! (18)Nuh Uh.(9)

Take 5

And make a call. TODAY.

Rep. Kevin Daley, chairman of the Ag. committee, presented a letter on the House floor yesterday and asked for his fellow representatives to sign. He got 10 representatives to sign the letter. Ten?? This letter basically is telling the governor to throw out both the Declaratory Ruling and the Invasive Species Order.

This all comes on the heels of the ruling by the judge in Marquette County stating that the Declaratory Ruling is definitely unconstitutional. Read the article here.  The ruling however technically affects those within the jurisdiction of the judge making the ruling.  The letter will clarify more fully, and allow the process to move forward with prejudice.

The current signers of Rep. Daley’s letter are as follows:
Daley, Denby, McMaster, Shirkey, McBroom, Crawford,  Goike, Lauwers, Schmidt, Glarden, Graves

By tomorrow morning call and tell the names below, that “we the people” want them to sign this letter. We are asking that you contact your own representative, and the four listed below.

You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(0)


Or, more accurately, windsuck.

Gov. Rick Snyder’s administration is reviewing whether some 300 same-sex marriages performed Saturday in four Michigan counties are valid, a spokeswoman said Wednesday.

Snyder spokeswoman Sara Wurfel said the governor’s office could make a determination on the legality of the marriages as early as Wednesday.


Following Friedman’s ruling and Schuette’s continued defense of the 2004 voter-approved ban, Snyder has stayed away from reporters’ questions this week about his views on gay marriage.


There is no end to the deceitful propaganda that continues to flow from this administration. Snyder has a J.D. from U of M, and damned well knows this Anthony Kennedy-esque out in Left field opinion is being appealed, and is sworn to the same Oath to defend Michigan’s Constitution as every other elected office.

DicksI’m also not impressed with the Alticor checkbook that funds the MI-GOP fueling the divide with their cabana boi’s publicity stunt.

If it weren’t for Ruth Johnson, I’d stay home in November.

You Betcha! (19)Nuh Uh.(3)