The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)


Some Questions

Got one of Adam’s heads up messages via the in-box a few minutes ago. He notes the Lame Duck Democrats…


Limerick Laureate

pscholkaWhy stop at creating a poet laureate position?

Such important matters to tend to in Lansing.  Would-be candidate for house leadership Al Psholka is the ONLY Republican to co-sponsor HB5853. From Capitol Confidential:

“Now there’s a concept worthy of a poem.

*The measure has 12 Democratic cosponsors and one Republican, Rep. Al Pscholka, who also is maneuvering to be the next Speaker of the House. The Democrats are Reps. Rashida Tlaib, Jon Switalski, Henry Yanez, Scott Dianda, Jeff Irwin, Tim Greimel, Tim Kelly, Marcia Hovey-Wright, Adam Zemke, Sam Singh, Andrew J. Kandrevas and David Rutledge.”

A poem?

Perhaps not.  Maybe instead, a limerick?

There once was a Rep name of Psholka
A champion of liberal Polka
“A Poet” He said,  “Would put me ahead”
For a leadership post, he’s a Joke-a

I want that appointment.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

Progressive Bloomberg Promises Cash For Progressive Snyder

bloomberg-jokerThe far left Michael Bloomberg has not only endorsed, but now promises to spend $2.3 Million to help elect fellow lefty Rick Snyder.

One might ask why he wouldn’t simply endorse Mark Schauer?  One might miss the point on his pick of Gary Peters, but not selecting the Democrat nominee for Michigan governor. One might also not realize, that to properly destroy conservatives, a well funded progressive ought to destroy from within their institutions.

Hence the Snyder assistance.  From The Detroit News:

“Bloomberg’s Independence USA political action committee this week launched a $2.3 million TV ad buy on behalf of Snyder, said Stu Loeser, a spokesman for Bloomberg — a Democrat turned Republican turned independent.”

What does it take to register as a write-in again?

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It’s done. Stick a fork in her US Senate Campaign.

In a largely self-funded campaign that has adopted the unique strategy of avoiding contact with the voters as much as humanly possible, the running comedy of the republican-anointed candidate for US Senate had taken yet another hit this week.

And who is jumping ship this time might surprise you.

{Details after the fold}

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About That “Michigan First” Line of Crapola

The level of Terri’s cognitive dissonance is just staggering. Perhaps, it’s time for another friendly reminder?

Folks, I’m big enough to admit when I make a mistake. When referring to Terri Land Hibma as a dunce, it truly is an insult to dunces everywhere.

You Betcha! (22)Nuh Uh.(1)

Rick Snyder on Gun Free Zones

I wish it weren’t true, I really do, but here’s the thing: the reason we still have gun free zones in this State is Gov. Rick Snyder.

Let’s review the political landscape in Michigan.  Michigan’s legislature is divided into two chambers: A senate and a house.

The Michigan Senate is made up of 38 members (26 Republicans and 12 Democrats – As of this writing).  The Michigan Senate has had this composition since January 1, 2011 and this composition will remain in place until the end of December this year (2014).

The Michigan House is made up of 110 members (59 Republicans, 50 Democrats, and 1 “Independent” Democrat – as of this writing).  The Michigan House has had this composition since January 1, 2013 and this composition will remain in place until the end of December this year (2014).  Between January 1, 2011 and through December, 2012 the composition was 64 Republicans and 46 Democrats — 9 votes short of a supermajority (66%) of Republicans.  The latter amount represents the composition when SB 59 was passed in 2012.

Let’s talk about SB 59, as ultimately passed by the legislature.  SB 59 would have (in brief):

  1. Overhauled the process to get your CPL to make getting your CPL much simpler, with one person (your local Sheriff) being solely responsible for issuing your CPL or facing financial penalties in Court for denying you without a lawful reason (as specified in MCL 28.425b)
  2. Force the CPL Issuer to grant a person who completed a nominal amount of additional training an exemption to the Concealed Pistol Free Zones outlined in MCL 28.425onearly eliminating concealed pistol free zones in Michigan.
  3. Made it illegal to open carry a firearm in a location described in MCL 28.425o.

While the third point rightfully posed some controversy in Michigan’s second amendment community, especially open carriers, Michigan’s “Big 3” (Michigan Open Carry, Inc, Michigan Coalition of Responsible Gun Owners, Michigan Gun Owners) Firearm organizations voted (via their Board of Directors) to Support SB 59 as it ultimately passed and urged the Governor to sign it.

Ultimately, Gov. Rick Snyder decided to veto SB 59.  He didn’t veto it because he’s so pro-gun he opposed making it illegal to open carry in a 28.425o zone, no…not at all.  In fact, that language was added to the legislation at the Governor’s insistence.  Rather, the Governor opposed SB 59 because (according to his veto letter) he wanted to weaken preemption:

“While we must vigilantly protect the rights of law-abiding firearm owners, we also must ensure the right of designated public entities to exercise their best discretion in matters of safety and security,” he said. “These public venues need clear legal authority to ban firearms on their premises if they see fit to do so.

So all those publicly owned pistol free zones described in MCL 28.425o?  Snyder wanted them to be able to ban guns, contrary to the State’s preemption law outlined in MCL 123.1102.  Senator Mike Green, lead sponsor of SB 59, refused to cave into this final demand of the Governor to weaken preemption, so the bill passed as it did and the rest is (as they say) history.

Senator Mike Green Later reintroduced SB 59 in the next (current) session as SB 213.  Sadly, SB 213 has gone nowhere because the Governor doesn’t want to address/eliminate Pistol Free Zones.  Since the Governor is a Republican (like a majority of the State House and Senate) the Republican majorities won’t take up the issue.  After all, many of the members do not want to further embarrass/alienate their parties Governor on the matter prior to an election.  Many of these members are counting on their Governor’s support during the election season (both the Primaries and the General Election) to help them get re-elected.  Fearing the Governor will withdraw his support from fellow Republican members who pass legislation supporting the elimination of 28..425o zones, the legislature has sat on SB 213.  Would this be the same if the Governor didn’t belong to the same party as a majority of the state legislature?

To answer that question, let’s look at history of previous legislature and Governor.  In 2006 the legislature passed Michigan’s version of “Stand your Ground”, the Self Defense Act of 2006.  Not wanting to alienate gun owners prior to the November election of 2006, Governor Granholm signed the law in July of 2006.

This political situation aside, it’s possible SB 59’s veto would have been overridden.  SB 59 passed on final passage with the following support, House: Yeas 68 Nays 41; Senate: Yeas 27 Nays 11.  In the Senate a 2/3’s majority to over-ride a veto is 26 votes.  In the House it is 74 votes.  In other words, the Senate had enough votes and the House would have only needed to flip 3 votes.  Of course, given fear of losing support of the Govenor, the legislature wouldn’t over-ride the Governor’s veto even if the votes were there.  This recently happened in Missouri where the Republican Legislature overrode the Democrat Governor’s veto on pro-gun legislation.

In fact, even the Liberal Huffington posts seem to suggest gun free zones are a bad idea.

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Surprise Surprise

Dick and Betsy’s cupcake caught in his own web of lies.

Another of cupcake’s bald-faced lies? “Cut the income tax rate.

Pure bullshit.

Enjoy Snyder and Calley’s Obamacare entrenchment, Greg.

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)

Speaking of Brown Showers…

We have a candidate for governor, which now proudly campaigns on Obamacare.

And, who is left to pick up the tab for that when Snyder/Calley is gone? Let, U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), explain that for you. Did you notice a Republican said the states are going to pay for it? Why Hell, even a plumber knows that sh!t runs downhill.

Enjoy paying for that along with the Snyder/Calley fuel tax and registration fee hike.

You Betcha! (24)Nuh Uh.(2)

Where We Reach

sessionsNo doubt about it, Right Michigan’s numbers have been consistent; recently averaging 200 sessions a day from the wolverine state alone.

This snapshot (at right) of the past 30 days reflects about 85% of the traffic coming in from all over Michigan.  Wisconsin, Oregon, California, Texas, Viginia Illinois, Ohio and Florida coming in with the next highest numbers.

sessions-miThough the actual page views are up and visits are longer, the actual session numbers are off slightly this month, since reaching an average of 308 sessions per day in Michigan for the month of August.  The high locale in Michigan for August was Traverse City followed by Ann Arbor Lansing and Grand Rapids.

The graphic at left shows a breakout of the rest of the state for the August totals, which as an aggregate hit 9241

I thought it might be interesting to those who wonder where’s readership is primarily from.

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To Serve….

What happens when Terri Hibma’s former 2010 running mate (this two-time loser) is allowed to go unchecked?

Ben-Franklin-sheep-and-wolvesPolice in Grand Forks, North Dakota are hailing their new fleet of drones as the “vanguard of police work,” according to the Guardian. But privacy activists are worried that the drones may be a threat to constitutional rights.

Officers in Grand Forks have been operating a fleet of drones, some small enough to fit in a suitcase, others in a larger, fixed-wing design. The department is one of only about a dozen departments across the country testing drones.


Yes, jackboots without any restraint. North Dakota’s state Senate, much like those in Lansing, are useless. Why has there been no movement on HB 4455 of 2013? Why has Speaker Bolger taken it upon himself to make the fringe cupcake agenda a priority over securing our Natural Rights for all?

Transparency, the man asks? Sorry, that’s just not within the MI-GOP character traits.

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