Kids, This bus Doesn’t Move Until you all Buckle Your Seat Belts

Of course, the title of this post is as fictitious as the propaganda below.

See that? Now it’s about children’s safety so, see Sec. 257.710e (2). Precious cargo, huh?

At least the $2B annual tax hikers stopped just short of “Or even the whole bridge” in this attempt to excite the emotions of easy preyed upon dimwits who might be gullible enough to buy into this contractor lobbied nonsense.

You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(2)

Many Michigan Shooters A Week Away From Becoming Felons

BATFE M855 GreenTip

It turns out that the stealth U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives proposal to prohibit the most popular cartridge used by civilians in the AR-15, America’s most popular civilian rifle, will be enforced by draconian penalties in Michigan law. This prohibition will affect all owners of .223 Remington caliber rifles, not just the AR-15. BATFE has indicated that they are withdrawing a ‘sporting purpose’ exemption for the standard issue U.S. Military 5.56x45mm NATO (.223 Remington) cartridge, claiming that it is armor piercing handgun ammunition under the 1986 Law Enforcement Officer Protection Act.

Michigan legislators cloned LEOPA in 1990 with one important distinction. The Michigan statutory language actually prohibits any use of prohibited ammunition. From MCL 750.224c:

(1) Except as provided in subsection (2), a person shall not manufacture, distribute, sell, or use armor piercing ammunition in this state. A person who willfully violates this section is guilty of a felony, punishable by imprisonment for not more than 4 years, or by a fine of not more than $2,000.00, or both.

‘Use’ includes loading a rifle magazine with prohibited ammunition or even firing it in a single shot rifle. The Federal LEOPTA at least allows gun owners to use up stocks of ammunition on hand when a cartridge is prohibited. A bunch of Michiganders are about to become felons if BATFE gets its way thanks to another triumph of legislative draftsmanship by our Legislature. Violating MCL 750.224c is a four year felony, a rude surprise to someone owning M855 ammunition. Perfectly legal one day, a felon the next. The joy of multilevel government regulation.

You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(0)

The Science is Settled

In response to the latest manufactured controversy by those who have no respect for Freedom of Speech, and are besides themselves in their effete circle-jerk advancing their goal that is the elimination of independent thought, what we see above matters little if it’s Black, Blue, White or Gold, because without a shred of doubt it is a muhammadan empowering, race-baiting, socialistic, quisling a**hole.

The end.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(2)

Nonagenarian Making Sure the Action of the Party “Really Means Nothing”

One can safely say that Little Ronna failed her first test as chair with the Progressive Romney/Rockefeller wing of the MIGOP demonstrating they can still call themselves Republican when they will not uphold the Party Platform defining marriage between one man and one woman.

TwoRINOsYep. Constitution be damned, too. I’d like to be able to write-off the above as Willy milquetoast showing signs of senility, however, the old bastard was only a few comrades short of being a Trotskyite’s wet dream when he was young. Same goes for his Margaret Sanger abortion funding late wifey.

Next stop *marrying* sons and polygamy.

Ps. don’t anyone in the MIGOP act as if George and Nelson are so far removed from the Party by time when this guy started it all.

You Betcha! (27)Nuh Uh.(6)

Octogenarian who Aimed the IRS at Conservatives now Advises Businesses on Government Investigations

I guess the old saw holds true… it takes a crook.

Retired [Chose not to seek re-election] Michigan Sen. Carl Levin said Monday he is joining a Detroit law firm as senior counsel and will advise businesses on government investigations.

SudsBamaLevin, 80, who was the longest [self]-serving senator in Michigan history after serving [occupying] six terms, will join Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn LLP in April as senior counsel, the law firm said.

The focus of Levin’s practice at Honigman will “include aiding corporations with internal investigations and crisis management; assisting corporations with social responsibility and compliance issues; and facilitating alternative dispute resolutions and mediations.” Levin will also serve as an advisor to the firm’s Government Relations and Regulatory Practice Group.


As an asides, here is a fun piece of some Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn handiwork.

Yep. The old fart younger brother of Sander (where does Sandy live?) will be right at home in that cesspool of shysters.

H/t ‘featured image’ source here

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

Michigan Roads – How Bad?

paser-1You are about to be buried in pseudostatistics and factoids purporting to demonstrate just how bad Michigan roads are. We have already demonstrated that the TRIP vehicle maintenance factoids fabricated by a devious road contractors’ business league are a complete fraud.

Now State of Michigan government entities are unleashing a wave of propaganda intended to drive your vote on Proposal 2015-01. Two State of Michigan government entities have prepared campaign flyers on behalf of Proposal 15-1 using Michigander’s tax dollars: MDoT and the Transportation Asset Research Council (TAMC).

Both MDoT and TAMC have spent years preparing slick pamphlets decrying the sad condition of Michigan’s roads, citing PAvement Surface Evaluation and Rating (PASER) data collected by TAMC with MDoT and local road agency help. These pamphlets claim that 30 – 40 % of Michigan roads are in poor condition. But are they really?

You Betcha! (24)Nuh Uh.(1)

Boy, are these people stupid!







Betcha think these comments regarding Michigan Taxpayers was “secretly” overheard coming from the confab between Gov. Snyder, Ex-Speaker Bolder, Ex-Sen. Richardville, Rep. Greimel & Ex-Sen Whitmer last December just before they announced placing Prop 15-1 before Michigan Voters?

Close, but not quite.

{Tantalizing details after the fold}

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

Sunday Reader

logo-sphereThe pickings may seem to be slim these days.

However, If you know of an active Michigan blog that it NOT included in our link list on the side, be sure to let us know.  In the meantime we have managed to find some folks from around the state who are worthy of some readership. Enjoy.

Jen Kuznicki – Republicans That are Unfit for Office in the House of Representatives There.  That was easy enough.

MTTM – Looking For The Real Fraud? The attorney general has made his top ten list.  MTTM updated it.

The Detroit Constitutionalist – Victories and Losses at the February 2015 MIGOP State Convention Another perspective on the MiGOP convention

The Other Club – Corporate Whore in Chief Read his other stuff too.

The Shekel – Why Gun Control Won’t Work – A Continuing Series Yep.

The Voice OF One Crying Out In Suburbia – The Donald Trump Model Of Church  Not something we might normally think about.   Read the previous (Lead up) post as well.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

Race Hoax at Kalamazoo College

What’s going on at Kalamazoo College?  K College is a far left elite private college just west of downtown Kalamazoo.  It was originally founded as a Baptist college, but that influence is long gone, replaces by progressivism, social justice, gay rights, anti-racism, and all the trendy cultural Marxism common on campus.

Kalamazoo College students start #UnsafeAtK social media campaign, say they feel threatened
Meeting about minority student safety at Kalamazoo College draws more than 100 students
Kalamazoo College officials address #UnsafeAtK social media campaign in campus-wide email
Security increased at Kalamazoo College after online threat to ‘start systematically executing faculty’
‘Don’t let them win’: Solidarity sought at Kalamazoo College in aftermath of online shooting threat
Kalamazoo College threats: Investigators hope Internet trail will lead them to suspect
Despite threat, Kalamazoo College students who have experienced racism push for intercultural center
Kalamazoo College students rally over concerns about racism and marginalization, push for intercultural center

The current controversy involves a student who is a gun rights activist.  He has advocated for open carry on K’s campus, a noble but hopeless cause at an extremely left-wing private college.  In late February, he asked the student government for support for this cause.  They predictably declined, and launched a flurry of insults, as reported by Campus Reform.

You Betcha! (4)Nuh Uh.(0)