Slotkin Rebuttal???

LOL. Fail Bot. Elissa Slotkin will respond to President Donald J. Trump’s Joint Address to Congress tonight. Senator Slotkin stands…


The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)


Confirmed: Eric Holder in a Skirt by the Usual RINO Suspects

Ayotte (R-NH), Cochran (R-MS), Collins (R-ME), Flake (R-AZ), Graham (R-SC), Hatch (R-UT), Kirk (R-IL), McConnell (R-KY) Thanks, Rand. Actually, that doesn’t tell the whole story, because if you add the additional losers to who opened Pandora’s box: Alexander (R-TN), Burr (R-NC), Capito (R-WV), Corker (R-TN), Cornyn (R-TX), Gardner (R-CO), Johnson (R-WI), Portman (R-OH), Roberts (R-KS), Thune (R-SD), Tillis (R-NC), then you get an accurate picture of what treacherous lying bastards Republicans are in the U.S. Senate when they come back to tell their constituents ‘they voted against {insert nominee’s name here}’.

Remember Sen. Ayotte, right? Yes, me too. Isn’t the empty suit of identity politics wonderful? Remember Sen. Portman, too? Yep, me too. More empty suits.

Ted Cruz 2016


You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

MDOT: What’s Another $4,400,000.00? It’s not Like it’s Your Money

This is what arrogance and graft within bureaucracy looks like, folks.

The Michigan Department of Transportation is negotiating a lower lease rate for 23 passenger railcars now costing taxpayers $3,000 a day to sit idle. But the length of time the state could have to lease the cars before it can use them has doubled from two years to four years, according to a report sent to state lawmakers.

At the current lease rates, that means MDOT [taxpayers] would have to sink about another $4.4 million into lease charges before it is able to put the cars into service.

The Free Press on Feb. 1 broke the news of the idle railcars, which are intended for two proposed commuter services in southeast Michigan and so far have cost the state [taxpayers] about $12 million in refurbishment, consulting [more graft] and leasing costs since 2010.


A half decade. 5 years and the plan is – there is no plan? Despicable. To say that This Guy is an incompetent boob and complete charlatan is an insult to incompetent boobs and charlatans who are forced to somehow figure out ways to survive in the private sector.

Single Cent Snyder is a total disgrace as well is every single legislator still in office who voted for this offensive garbage, which would be forever entrenched into our state’s constitution. And, don’t forget about the embedded fraud to the tune of at least $70M more per year. Do also note that Joan “gets it” about EITC.

Remember when Two Penny Jenny was a bad idea? Ya, well, with Single Cent SnyderIt Only Gets Worse. A lot worse if figuring in this unresolved can of worms.

Second highest Sales Tax in the nation, and the ballot proposal DOES NOT guarantee monies go to roads or schools.

That is fact.

You Betcha! (23)Nuh Uh.(0)

MDoT Train Wreck Still Emptying Michigan Wallets

Train Wreck ImageThe failure that is Kirk Steudle and the Michigan Department of Transportation continues to demonstrate that it cannot plan nor manage taxpayer funds efficiently. readers might recall that the MDoT has been spending taxpayer dollars to babysit equipment that other people own. In the last few years, it has amounted to a drop in the bucket when compared to what is a bloated state budget of 52+ billion smackers, right?  But buckets eventually fill from all the droplets as we all know, and the spigot in this case is opening more.  From the Lansing State Journal:

At the current lease rates, that means MDOT would have to sink about another $4.4 million into lease charges before it is able to put the cars into service.

That line is sufficient to point out that Steudle’s comment earlier in the year was nothing more than lip service.

“These cars are costing us money right now and we’ve got to figure out how are we going to … stop the bleeding,”

As the old joke goes .. “Whats this ‘we’ s##t Kemosabe?”




You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(0)

When It Becomes Serious, You Have To Lie


The proponents of Proposal 1 never envisaged the losing position they now occupy two weeks before the vote, so their media shills have resurrected the titillating lies projections of a road builders’ organization called TRIP to bolster their case. Here are the most visceral quotes from Michigan’s two largest newspapers, demonstrating their well-honed propaganda skills:

Detroit Free Press

“Michigan’s poor roads threaten to derail its economic recovery, according to a new report by a national transportation research group.”

“The report says that 38% of Michigan roads are now in poor condition, up from 23% in 2006. It also found that 45% were listed in fair condition and 17% were listed as good.”

“The report estimates that Michigan motorists pay an average of $686 in increased operating costs, including vehicle repairs, because of the state’s poor roads.”

Detroit News

“By 2025, the share of major roads in poor condition is projected to increase to 53 percent,” TRIP said in its report. “Keeping roads in good condition by performing minor maintenance is far more cost-effective than waiting until roads are in fair or poor condition when it becomes far more costly to make needed repairs.”

“According to TRIP, driving on rough roads costs Michigan motorists a total of $4.8 billion each year in the form of extra vehicle operating costs, representing an average cost of $686 annually per motorist.”

”That’s the conclusion of a report released Monday by TRIP, a Washington-based nonprofit organization that researches, evaluates and distributes information on surface transportation issues.

The Detroit Free Press only identified TRIP as “a national nonprofit transportation research group” in this pivotal story.  They were a little more candid in a previous story, so they can’t claim not to know what TRIP is.  The Detroit News identification of TRIP was every bit as dishonest.  Only our ‘newer’ media is more truthful, if still not entirely accurate:

“The annual TRIP study, conducted by a national research group funded by transportation industry interests, pegs the yearly cost at $686 per Michigan motorist.”

“TRIP findings have long been cited by road funding advocates, including Gov. Rick Snyder.”

TRIP obligingly released a raft of new lies in a series of press releases on Michigan roads at the Detroit Regional Chamber (a kindred IRS 501(c)(6) organization, more on this below the fold) on Monday. These stories are an update to TRIP’s January 2014 lies which we covered in January. The comparable examples of TRIP’s 2014 lies (since removed from the web) are:

  • An inadequate transportation system costs Michigan residents a total of $7.7 billion every year
  • Driving on rough roads costs Michigan motorists a total of $2.3 billion annually in extra vehicle operating costs
  • Driving on rough roads costs the average Detroit urban area motorist $536 annually in extra vehicle operating costs
  • Driving on rough roads costs the average Michigan motorist $357 annually in extra vehicle operating costs

TRIP’s 2015 report on Michigan annual excessive vehicle costs is a $ 2.5 billion (or $ 329 per motorist) increase above their 2014 lies projections.  A 109% increase above their 2014 lies.  Far beyond any assessment of the 2014 to 2015 deterioration of road & bridge conditions in Michigan – even the totally bogus PASER ratings.  Since the $ 2.3 billion (or $ 357 per motorist) 2014 TRIP number didn’t move you to vote for Proposal 1, the new and improved $ 4.8 billion (or $ 686 per motorist) lie is expected to change your mind on Proposal 1.  They think you are that dumb.

So is TRIP a “nonprofit transportation research organization”? Sounds like an independent, credible source – right? Do the adjectives ‘nonprofit’ and ‘research’ give you a high level of confidence in their pronouncements?  Does ‘organization’ or ‘group’ give you the impression that hundreds of researchers are assessing road conditions across the country?  Perhaps you should dig a little deeper than our lazy, lying media scribes.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(0)

Milford, you Still Have a Problem

Fantastic outcome for our veterans. This should have never happened.

Now, would any care to make a gentleman’s wager that had the weapon been an AK instead of AR in style, the politically correct members on Village Council would have been less inclined to raise said issue, which might be viewed as less offensive to their Camp Dearborn visitors?

You think about that

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(1)

Another One Bites The Dust

STOP-167About a week ago, someone told me that first congressional district Republicans were considering passing a resolution in support of Proposal 15-1.

I thought it strange, and frankly I had my doubts on how long I could tolerate such craziness if it was true.  Especially given the resolutions saying “NO” to 15-1 by delegates for most of the county parties which make up the first district. In fact, Grand Traverse County passed a resolution that was voted on by delegates and passed unanimously Feb 5.

My first instinct was spot on.

No worries in the first district.  Following the lead by the county parties within, and several other Republican districts without, the passing of a “NO” statement on 15-1 was easy at a 21 to 2 vote count.  Well done first district Republicans.

The resolution as passed is below the fold.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(1)