Slotkin Rebuttal???

LOL. Fail Bot. Elissa Slotkin will respond to President Donald J. Trump’s Joint Address to Congress tonight. Senator Slotkin stands…


The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(1)


It Burns

Traverse City has apparently honored the wishes of the voters last night.

Good.  They did the ‘right thing’ by allowing a requested exemption of the local library district from their TIF2 district renewal.

Some of you may be aware that the Traverse Area District Library received a solid 75.5% renewal vote for the millage last August. Some of you might also be aware what type of management and board makes up the library. Suffice it to say, the operation operation has in the past 6 years has found efficiency, improved technological services, and better staff competence and ability.

The district as a whole is an outstanding model of how government operations should run. We have addressed the pension gorilla successfully, stopped any growth (for-the-sake-of-growth) plans, and lowered the cost per taxable dollar.  Technological services are so advanced, that the library has literally been able to market out some of its advances to neighboring library systems, providing them with value added (and lower cost) services and recovering taxpayer ‘investment’ at the same time.

We have done our part, but still have expenses, and every dollar matters in crafting the best possible response to voter intent.

And some of those who did not vote yes in the last millage made it clear why they did not support the millage.  It wasn’t because they had misgivings about tax dollars being used to promote community literacy, but rather as an objection to the way in which that singular philanthropy doubles as a sieve to water ‘economic development’ efforts they have zero interest in supporting.

But with big government comes the sugar for the ants. For all the tax dollars we donate for the elected class to spend, there are a number of said class who believe they are smarter than free markets.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(1)

Decision Time: DW&SD Rain Tax Comes To A Head In Court

The Detroit Water & Sewerage Department’s Non Residential Drainage Rate became a political hot potato in 2013 when the City finally started applying this breathtaking, disguised tax to all non residential properties within the City.  Mayor Duggan is scraping the bottom of the barrel for every revenue dollar he can find.

Prior to 2013, the City of Detroit only extracted this rate from 12,000 non residential property owners, although 41,237 non residential property owners should have been paying it. They also extracted this rate from the State of Michigan and Wayne County for roads in Detroit, after a lengthy appeals process which ended in the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals.  Detroit shielded politically preferred and connected property owners from this tax for 35 years, notably the politically powerful black churches.  But that ended in 2013 when the City of Detroit “discovered….that there are some errors with respect to our billing of stormwater charges”.

This rate, which is often referred to as a stormwater fee or the rain tax, is not inconsequential. It is now $ 660 – $ 750 per acre, per month. Run of the mill churches with on site parking were rudely surprised with $ 3,500 monthly charges in 2015, on top of their already expensive water bills. They thought as religious entities they were tax exempt. Tee-hee.  No one in Michigan is truly tax exempt!  Michigan Public Act 178 of 1939 (MCL 123.161 et seq.) converts unpaid DW&SD stormwater fees into a property lien, same as unpaid property taxes, so these fees quickly result in property foreclosures.

Ever wonder why Detroit has such a problem with commercial property blight? Now church blight is in the offing.

Non residential property owners in Detroit have just received a legal notice in the mail announcing a proposed settlement of a Wayne County Circuit Court class action case filed by Michigan Warehousing Group LLC and Midwest Valve and Fitting Company against the Detroit Water & Sewerage Department over the DW&SD’s outrageous stormwater fee. This case is identified in the Wayne County Circuit Court as 15-010165-CZ. The parties reached a settlement agreement which is carefully constructed to cripple legal challenges to the constitutionality of the stormwater fee in higher courts and handsomely pay off the trial bar.

The settlement notice fails to inform non residential property owners that another, far more comprehensive class action law suit is progressing in the Michigan Court of Appeals. Detroit Alliance Against The Rain Tax v. City Of Detroit in the Michigan Court of Appeals, Case Number 339176, just got consolidated with a similar suit on 24 October and appears ready for litigation – also as a class action.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

Doing the right thing for the wrong reasons.

This piece started off when I was asked for my $0.02 this weekend on something in the local paper (which I freely admit that I do still read), written by someone whom I consider an absolute imbecile (which I’d told my friend on multiple occasions what I thought of this particular writer).

Still, if this wasn’t coming from a friend of mine, it probably would’ve ended differently.

{Post continues below the fold}


You Betcha! (4)Nuh Uh.(0)

Thank You.

Frequently, the wife and I find ourselves at an event which is dedicated to, or populated by our local veterans.

Neither of us served, however we each have family members who have, and can only respect the sacrifice one makes to be a part of the bigger picture. We understand that it is through the strength and love of God, Family, and Country that those who take up arms are able to do so.

The first district of Michigan is well populated by those who have served at different times. There is no shortage of opportunities to associate with those who risk it all in defense of a nation that still holds the promise for the greatest liberties attainable by man.

But the veteran population is roughly 60,000 out of about 570,000 and it is aging fast. The great number of those who served in wartime are already reaching retirement, and moving on to a ‘better place.’  Michigan’s average age for veterans is in the low to mid 50’s, and with few WWII vets remaining, it remains one of the states with the higher aged veteran population.

They won’t be with us forever.

Take each opportunity today, as well as all others to show your appreciation to those who serve.  A simple “thank you,” volunteering to assist in veteran events, showing up at the airports when a currently serving serviceman returns home from a long tour can remind those who have put the uniform on that they are appreciated, and valued.

We applaud those of you who have served, are serving, or have suffered for your commitment.  We honor you for the sacrifices you have made, and appreciate your investment in our nation’s future.

Thank you.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

Something In the Water

If Karen Weaver survives the Flint Mayoral ‘recall’ contest,will anyone be particularly surprised?

Weaver, supposedly a solution to decades of infrastructure neglect and poor city service planning, became the target of big city politicos because of the normal big city shenanigans.  From Global financial Market Review:

” Mayor Karen Weaver sailed into office two years ago promising to clean Flint’s lead-tainted water and to restore trust in government, after previous leaders brought poisoned water to the city and ignored residents when they complained. Ms. Weaver declared a state of emergency, met with the president and made the rounds on cable television, quickly becoming one of America’s most visible mayors.

But as her celebrity grew, so too did a revolt within her own City Hall. She now faces City Council members accusing her of corruption, a court battle over Flint’s long-term water source and, on Tuesday, a recall election that could snuff out her four-year term at the halfway point.”

Once upon a time, a recall actually meant something however.

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)

OUR Civility?

Last night, the Jack Bergman town hall in Traverse City ended immediately following the shout from an audience member of “grab em by the pussy!”

The event, which lasted about an hour and a half revealed much of what can be expected by the left in the political arena. Accusations of “you’re trying to kill me,” and catcalls continually polluting what could have been a reasonable Q & A of the first congressional district’s representative.

The organized ‘resistance’ group ‘Indivisible’ predictably bared their cute colored signs as well as verbal excrement, and made it a point to indicate right at the start of the night, that the left has lost it’s collective mind. Donning the pink pussy hats, they expressed their vulgar social skills as best they could.

During the invocation, the very same people who decry the President’s ‘boorishness,’ had the audacity to stand and recite the pledge of allegiance. During the pledge of allegiance they surprisingly stood, but many remained silent.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

October 2017 Michigan State Senate Fundraising

October 25 was the deadline for campaign finance reports for Michigan legislature.  Some races are already well-developed, while in others, candidates have only recently declared or have yet to declare.  Here are summaries of the total cash on hand in Michigan state senate districts.  Totals include state house committees for state representatives.  XX means the report has yet to be filed.

6. (D) Kosowski 35K Geiss 6K
7. (R) Cox 88K
8. (R) Lucido 108K
9. (D) Lane 92K Wojno 104K
10. (D) Yanez 54K
11. (D) Moss 26K
12. (R) Tedder 33K
13. (R) Knollenberg 32K
14. (R) Johnson 6K
15. (R) Runestad 129K Crawford 20K
16. (R) Shirkey 103K
17. (R) Zorn 70K
18. (D) Irwin 50K Zemke XX
19. (R) Callton 133K Bizon 222K
20. (R) O’Brien 126K
21. (R) Pscholka 65K
22. (R) Theis 36K
24. (R) Barrett 47K Roberts 3K (D) Rossman-McKinney 114K
25. (R) Lauwers 31K
26. (R) Genetski 174K Nesbitt 74K
28. (R) MacGregor 80K
29. (R) Afendoulis 201K (D) Brinks 100K
30. (R) Garcia 162K Haveman 18K Victory 68K
31. (R) Glenn 73K Daley 46K (D) Luczak 2K
32. (R) Horn 85K
33. (R) Outman 12K
34. (R) Bumstead 73K Hughes 283K
35. (R) Franz 18K Rendon 30K
36. (R) Stamas 105K
37. (R) Schmidt 60K
38. (R) McBroom 11K (D) Dianda 58K

You Betcha! (2)Nuh Uh.(0)

But, none of this is what Gov Snyder promised Michigan Taxpayers after the bailout???

Unless you have the Pollyanna-ish worldview that a certain sitting Michigan Governor possesses, honestly none of this should come as a surprise to anyone.

Round two in the Detroit Mayoral Race (which in case anyone is interested, has the first and only televised debate tonite).

And the sad part here is that I could’ve found more rundown areas of Detroit than are featured below.


Submitted w/o any further comment.

You Betcha! (2)Nuh Uh.(0)