The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)


Some Questions

Got one of Adam’s heads up messages via the in-box a few minutes ago. He notes the Lame Duck Democrats…


Religious Liberty

Thanks to the Trump admin, the baby killers are getting nervous.

Apparently Planned parenthood folks are so far gone in their willingness to snuff out human life, they would deny practicing physicians the ability to conscientiously object.  Objecting to new HHS rules PP is going into conniptions:

“Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, is encouraging their supporters to tell the Department of Health Human Services (HHS) that a proposed rule to strengthen conscience protections for healthcare providers is “dangerous” and “encourages discrimination.” The rule requires health care providers to notify their employees of protections against religious discrimination on job applications and employee manuals. The rule also allows the HHS Office of Civil Rights (OCR) to enforce protections for religious medical providers.”


‘Choice’ apparently has a different meaning to the child hunters.  Until government is used to directly control our lives (sans the personal choice of fetal sepaku), the leftist monsters won’t be happy.

Its a good sign of personal conscience protections from a government realigning itself with the constitution.  Other health care fields might also benefit from such positive efforts. I wonder if this could be re-litigated?





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January 2018 Michigan State Senate Fundraising

January 31 was the deadline for campaign finance reports for Michigan legislature.  Some races are already well-developed, while in others, candidates have only recently declared or have yet to declare.  Here are summaries of the total amount raised in Michigan state senate districts.  Totals include state house committees for state representatives. Cash on hand is in parentheses when significantly less than the total raised.

3. (D) Santana 91K Woronchak 2K
6. (D) Kosowski 69K Geiss 16K
7. (R) Cox 95K
8. (R) Lucido 130K
9. (D) Lane 101K Wojno 8K
10. (D) Yanez 66K
11. (D) Moss 23K (5K)
12. (R) Tedder 73K (36K)
13. (R) Knollenberg 143K (54K)
14. (R) Johnson 35K (21K)
15. (R) Runestad 190K (151K) Crawford 46K (18K)
16. (R) Shirkey 123K
17. (R) Zorn 143K (83K)
18. (D) Irwin 66K Zemke 22K
19. (R) Callton 242K (115K) Bizon 211K
20. (R) O’Brien 213K (147K) McCann 30K
21. (R) Pscholka 65K
22. (R) Theis 80K (51K)
24. (R) Barrett 61K Roberts 25K (7K) (D) Rossman-McKinney 180K (150K)
25. (R) Lauwers 47K
26. (R) Genetski 192K Nesbitt 74K
28. (R) MacGregor 181K (83K)
29. (R) Afendoulis 220K (D) Brinks 139K
30. (R) Garcia 172K Haveman 32K Victory 77K
31. (R) Glenn 115K Daley 61K (D) Luczak 9K
32. (R) Horn 186K (109K)
33. (R) Outman 14K
34. (R) Bumstead 137K (76K) Hughes 806K (300K)
35. (R) Franz 27K Rendon 57K (21K)
36. (R) Stamas 233K (109K)
37. (R) Schmidt 265K (60K)
38. (R) McBroom 27K (11K) (D) Dianda 100K (80K)

You Betcha! (3)Nuh Uh.(0)

Meet the “Not Ready for Prime Time Players.”

Meet the Not Ready for Prime Time Players.

…featuring, Gretchen Whitmer, Shri Thanedar, Abdul El-Sayed…


We’re you expecting the likes of Laraine Newman, John Belushi, Jane Curtin, Gilda Radner, Dan Aykroyd, Garrett Morris or Chevy Chase.

Okay, I’ll give you that second lot wouldn’t been much more funnier.

Even though that quaint concept of “Rule of Law” comes into play here (with that whole proposing legislation and eventually signing it into law thing), it’s not as if that first group can’t provide us with some laughs as well.

{The hilarity ensues after the fold}

You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(0)

Where is everyone???

After catching up on yesterday’s goings on up in Lansing, I just needed to share this (laugh) with everyone.

It’s yesterday’s “Michigan Democratic Party response to the 2018 SOTS”.

Don’t worry, I’m not here to torture everyone, the clip is already cued up to the best part of the entire speech.

Notice anything missing?

Submitted w/o any further comment.



You Betcha! (4)Nuh Uh.(0)

The Wages of Sin

Some 144 155 victims of MSU Sports Medicine doctor Lawrence Gerard Nassar are making victim impact statements at his sentencing hearing in the Ingham County Circuit Court. From the tenor of their coverage, our depraved media are – for once – siding with the victims of crime rather than the criminals. Kiddie diddling is probably the last moral taboo acknowledged across our entire society.

What our media has not mentioned is the cost of Dr. Nassar’s crimes and who is going to pay for them. MSU is now facing over 140 civil lawsuits, along with the U.S. Olympic Committee, USA Gymnastics, and Dr. Nassar. Just one such suit has been settled, by USA Gymnastics, reportedly for upwards of $ 1.25 million. Its particulars are concealed from the public by a Non Disclosure Agreement, a legal device made famous by Harvey Weinstein’s defense lawyers. The plaintiff in the settled suit, McKayla Maroney, still has a lawsuit pending against the U.S. Olympic Committee, USA Gymnastics, Michigan State University and Dr. Nassar. Dr. Nassar is the only defendant who will not pay much. His few remaining assets after paying off his lawyers will almost certainly be shielded when his wife divorces him.

MSU has set aside $ 10 million to counsel women and girls who say Larry Nassar abused them. This ‘Healing Assistance Fund’ will be available to “MSU health clinic patients and student-athletes whom Nassar abused, as well as the parents of these victims” according to MSU. The sanctimonious leftists who run MSU have the utter gall to still be billing some of Dr. Nassar’s victims for their ‘treatment’, but that is not what this fund is for.  This fund is actually intended as a legal settlement fund

This fund is ridiculously inadequate. MSU management must think that USOC and USAG will bear the brunt of the Nassar settlements, or their hot shot lawyer Patrick Fitzgerald’s sovereign immunity defense will work.  MSU has not one, but two, high dollar white shoe law firms lined up to attack Dr. Nassar’s victims.  They won’t succeed. Dr. Nassar was an MSU employee. USOC and USAG made referrals to Dr. Nassar, but MSU was his employer and should have been providing proper supervision.  They didn’t.

Each of those lawsuits against MSU will settle out for $ 1 million or more. McKayla Maroney’s first settlement sets the standard. And the antics of MSU’s Board members should provide the plaintiffs with healthy increments in their final settlements.  Those white shoe lawyers need to have a talk with their idiot clients.

Who is going to pay?

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(1)


Call me the eternal optimist.

Folks need to look at recent events with a little different perspective.  At least the folks who hold ALL the power right now.  There are good outcomes that are possible if the GOP collectively gets its head straight.

Our federal spending is bloated, and perpetually deficit ridden.  Federal government shutdowns provide an insight into what is truly important to the general population, and leadership.  It can also be used as a character test of those who claim certain positions (ie: being against Obamacare, cutting welfare, illegal immigration cost) during voting events.

There is nothing that holds the GOP held Senate to the 60 vote limitation used to provide cover for the shut down.  Democrats, if ever they hold power again, would sidestep the rule so fast it would make the obamacare passage mechanics look amateurish to accomplish their stated goals of totalitarian socialism.

Military, ports, courts, borders, and federal highway systems are primary needs.  State welfare subsidies,housing, education, federal property ownership, environmental interference, business manipulation (cronyism), and personal medical insurance practices are not.

Start with the federal defunding of California, and make Michigan a close next.

If GOP ideas are good, put them in place and let the results speak for themselves.  If some legislators express an inordinate amount of fear about blowback, then we know where our weak sisters are, and they can be replaced

The #SchumerShutdown is the time to move forward and demonstrate the inadequacy of the Democrat philosophy to provide a constitutionally based operating plan that offers maximum state and individual benefit in the longer term.

It is an opportunity that ought not be missed.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

Trump’s Good Opportunity

This coming Saturday Noon will mark the first anniversary of the inauguration of Donald John Trump as the 45th President of the United States. If we’re being honest (which the legacy media characteristically is not), then it’s been a year that even Reagan might have envied . . . and no, I’m not yet tired of winning. Believe it or not, though, this weekend might yet be remembered less for the demarcation of DJT’s actual first year in office, and more for the president making good on a threat from back in May, which comeuppance some senators – on both sides of the aisle – are on the record as thinking is some sixteen weeks overdue.

With Friday night’s deadline in mind, in light of the apparent deadlock around key issues (such as immigration infrastructure and military funding), Alice Ollstein penned a Talking Points Memo op-ed discussing what, in her opinion, are the three possible outcomes to the current standoff, none of which are particularly appealing. Former congressman, and current congressional candidate, Kerry Bentivolio, had a somewhat different take on Ms. Ollstein’s opinion, which he shared in an e-mail with fellow veterans, campaign staffers, and other supporters. With Kerry’s permission, I’ll share his thoughts following the break – with a skosh of editorial license and personal wordsmithing applied.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(1)

SOTU 2018 Watch Party!

January 30 will be the State of the Union given by the guy who has pulled the pants down on the praetorian guard for the Democrats party.

The state of the nation is certainly the best it has been in the past eight years, and probably going much further back when looking at the rollback of the federal regulatory clime. Add to this tax reform that begins the simplification of the code, and a bureaucracy that will be more friendly to the individual and aspiring entrepreneurs.

Judges, walls, and a return to international respect through proper foreign policy etc., all of which has been accomplished in only a single year with the Donald as the CEO of USA inc.

In Traverse City, we will be having a party.

10 Bux.  Snacks provided, and drinks are on the guy next to you. (he/she will be looking your way)   Proceeds will be distributed to the local county GOP parties as we wind up for a busy election year.

See you there!

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)