Orange man bad. CCP Fang Fang‘s lover good.
Paul Mitchell truly is a gift of what not to be in life that keeps on giving. Words matter, right Paul?
Spot the narcissist loser with a doll of himself still in the box on his lack of books shelving.
“The last time the Capitol was assaulted was in the War of 1812 by the British. Think about that.”
Paul Mitchell is lying to you👇
“Start looking at their member of congress not by what they say but, what they do and, what they accomplish.” – Paul Mitchell-I …for idiot.
Well, Paul, accomplished having no Party and, what he’s doing is fighting to secure blatantly obvious, massive-scale election fraud. For anyone with semblance of intelligence and, a shred of honesty, that says Paul Mitchell is persona non grata– forever.
It also says that We the People, truly do need to investigate deeply who funded him while in office and, perhaps he’s also part of The Lincoln Perverts (yes, caught in a coverup). Just a cursory glance reveals Mitchell, is a China invested scAmway/Alticor’s favorite son only second to PAC monies.
Question, is this the battle Paul Mitchell is begging for? It sure looks like it by judging his baseless anti-America First rhetoric.
Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.
— Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) May 16, 2017
Paul Mitchell, should if he is wise, fade quietly away into the sunset along with, Rick Snyder.